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It was whilst she was at Evensong that Grace Thurley decided that she would not marry her fiancé. Instead , she took a job as a social secretary to recently-widowed Edwina Martagon and moved to London. Eliot Martagon had shot himself in his study some months earlier, leaving neither suicide note nor any indication that there was a problem in his life.
In a less salubrious part of London , a young artist is discovered impaled on some metal railings. It seems that he had jumped from his top-floor studio, but he too had left no note and no one can understand why he would do such a thing. Some of his work was selling in a prestigious art gallery which was owned by the late Eliot Martagon. Even in Edwardian times , a suicide wouldn't be investigated by a Chief Inspector, but Lamb and Detective Sergeant Cogan make discreet enquiries. Lamb had once met Theo Benton, the artist and been impressed by his ambition.
Many years ago I suffered a lengthy illness and my husband was in the habit of bringing me piles of books from the crime section at the local library. He started with the letter A and worked his way through and this was how I encountered Marjorie Eccles and her Gil Mayo series, but search as I might I found no more of her books in the library or the local bookshops. So ''Last Nocturne'' was eagerly snatched up.
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending a copy to The Bookbag.
There are quite a few crime writers who have been delivering classy fiction for a number of years but who are sadly less well-know than they should be. Bookbag can also recommend [[The Edge by Clare Curzon]] or [[A Fall from Grace by Robert Barnard]]. You might appreciate [[Death and the Maiden by Frank Tallis]] but we had our reservations.

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