Perhaps, the author might have added some magnificent coloured plates but this would have added considerably to the cost. Clear diagrams explain the patterns of the leptons, quarks and their respective anti-particles; these constitute the so-called Standard Model. The mechanism by which the Higgs particle breaks the symmetry of the electro-weak forces is indicated and the connection with the now famous Mexican hat diagram. A useful appendix which contains more algebra indicates the role the Higgs particle has in relation to the force field which is responsible for the creation of mass. Confirmation of this Higgs mechanism could be with us during this year and with it a more complete understanding of the earliest fraction of a second following the big bang.
Dr Mee has provided us with an exposition which repays close reading in the fine tradition of books like P.C.W. Davies, ''The Forces of Nature'' and Frank Close's classic on quarks, ''The Cosmic Onion''. However, should it turn out that photons really do travel faster than light, then yet another scientific revolution may take place and the whole physics community will be back to ruminating on the shifting paradigms like Viktor Jakob, the proponent in that marvellous fictional account by Mccormack entitled, ''Night Thoughts of a Classical Physicist''!
Many thanks are due to the Lutterworth Press for providing this volume for consideration.
[[Quantum Theory Cannot Hurt You by Marcus Chown]]
[[Gravity, Cracking the Cosmic Code by Nicholas Mee]]