{{Frontpage|class-"wikitable" cellpaddingisbn="15" Lloyd_1423<!-- |title=1,423 QI Facts to Bowl You Over|author=John Lloyd -->, James Harkin and Anne Miller|rating=5|-genre=Trivia| stylesummary="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Lloyd_1423.jpg|left|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0571339107?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=0571339107]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[1You may think me lazy, but there is an inherent satisfaction for book reviewers in hitting upon a book such as this – you know you will have very little bearing on its sales, and what's more you hardly even need describe it – just dip in here and there for a few quotes,423 QI Facts to Bowl You Over by John Lloyd, James Harkin and Anne Miller]]=== [[image:5starsit back and relax knowing your job is done.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] You may think me lazy, but there is an inherent satisfaction ''Only 1% of people who buy marmalade are under the age of 28. Treadmills were once the harshest form of punishment after the death penalty. Naked mole-rats can survive for book reviewers in hitting upon a book such as this – you know you will have very little bearing on its sales18 minutes without oxygen by turning themselves into plants.'' And the whole of page 52. There, and what's more you hardly even need describe it job done – just dip in here and there for a few quotes, and sit back and relax knowing your the creators of this book certainly have done their job is doneto perfection. ''Only 1% of people who buy marmalade are under }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Brightside_101|title=101 Things to Take the age Stress Out of 28. Treadmills were once the harshest form Christmas|author=Robin Snow|rating=4|genre=Trivia|summary=For many years one of punishment after my guiding principles has been that the death penalty. Naked mole-rats can survive for 18 minutes without oxygen by turning themselves into plants.'' And C word should not be mentioned until the whole beginning of page 52. ThereDecember but, unfortunately, job done – C seems to be coming earlier each year and there are even shops where it never ceases to be imminent, which ramps up the creators of this stress levels considerably. So, a book certainly have done their job which promises 101 things to perfectiontake the stress out of C seemed like a good idea. [[1,423 QI Facts What’s it about? Tips like putting the sprouts on to Bowl You Over by John Lloydboil in November or joining a religion which avoids the celebration altogether? Well, James Harkin and Anne Miller|Full Review]]not quite.}}<!-- Snow-->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Brightside_Worry| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"101 Things to do instead of worrying about the world|author=Felicity Brightside|rating=4[[image:Brightside_101.jpg|leftgenre=Trivia|linksummary=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1780723296?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbagI don't think that I've ever been quite so worried about the state of the world as I have been of late -21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1780723296]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[101 Things to Take and I speak as someone who lived through the Stress Out of Christmas by Robin Snow]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] For many years one of my guiding principles has been that the C word should not Cuban Missile Crisis and various other apocalyptic moments. It almost certainly comes down to a lack of confidence in the people who are supposedly in charge, whether it be mentioned until the beginning from a political point of December but unfortunately C seems to view or of our stewardship of this planet we call home. But what can be coming earlier each year and there are even shops where done about it never ceases ? We've tried voting, arguing and demonstrating. Now we're down to be imminent, which ramps pulling up the stress levels considerablydrawbridge and doing our best to think about something else. So, a book which promises 101 things to take the stress out of C seemed liked a good idea. What’s it about? Tips like putting the sprouts on to boil in November or joining a religion which avoids the celebration altogether? Well}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Lloyd 1342|title=1,342 QI Facts To Leave You Flabbergasted|author=John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, not quite. [[101 Things to Take the Stress Out of Christmas by Robin Snow|Full Review]] <!-- Brightside -->|-James Harkin and Anne Miller|rating=5|genre=Trivia| stylesummary="widthI love the way the QI elves play games with us with [[: 10%; vertical-alignCategory: top; text-align: center;"John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin|[[image:Brightside_Worry.jpg|left|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1780723180?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1780723180these books]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[101 Things . That's not to do instead say it's a game of worrying about pulling the world by Felicity Brightside]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]]I don't think that I've ever been quite so worried about wool over our eyes, for every entrant in this series has had the equivalent online version for the sources, so every page is replicated with the state of the world as I have been due links you need to search for proof of late - and I speak as someone who lived through their statements. No, the Cuban Missile Crisis and various other apocalyptic momentsgame is Six Degrees of Separation. It almost certainly comes down to a lack of confidence And they're so good at it, they can do most things in the people who are supposedly three. So in chargejust three standalone, but thematically linked, whether it be from a political point phrases, you can get from how to make the sound of view or an Orc army for ''Lord of our stewardship of this planet we call homethe Rings'' films to record-breaking nipple hair. But what can be done about it? We've tried voting From illicit wartime barbers in Italy to American founding father bedroom arrangements, arguing is only three steps – and demonstrating. Now we're down to pulling up the drawbridge and doing our best path carries on to think about something elsereach that erstwhile novice stand-up, Ronald Reagan, in two more. It's only two jumps between Donald Trump and Charles Darwin, disconcertingly. [[101 Things to do instead of worrying about the world by Felicity Brightside|Full Review]]}}<!-- Lloyd -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Lloyd_1411| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"1,411 QI Facts To Knock You Sideways|author=John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin[[image:Lloyd 1342|rating=4.jpg5|leftgenre=Trivia|linksummary=https://wwwHandsome is as handsome does.amazonAnd you know what else benefits from being curt and succinct, alongside old housewives' saws like that one? Trivia.co.uk/gp/product/0571332463?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=0571332463]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[1I always thought the QI books such as this one to be handsome things – perfectly presenting trivia, four (on rare occasion,342 QI Facts To Leave You Flabbergasted by John Lloydthree) statements to the page, John Mitchinsonin a very nice little cubical hardback. Now they're being represented in paperback, James Harkin and Anne Miller]]===but you know what? They're still handsome things.}}[[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:TriviaFrontpage|Trivia]]isbn=Lloyd_1339 I love the way the |title=1,339 QI elves play games with us with [[:Category:Facts To Make Your Jaw Drop|author=John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin|these books]]rating=4. That5|genre=Trivia|summary=A spermologer ''is a collector of trivia's not to say it's . Just that sentence tells you a game lot – we're once more in the realm of pulling the wool over our eyescurt, for every entrant in this series has had succinct approach to the world's information and oddities. It says more, however – beyond the equivalent online version for weirdness of the sources, so every page word is replicated with the due links obvious necessity for the word to exist – without people that could be called collectors of trivia you would not need to search for proof of their statements. No, the game is Six Degrees of Separationterm. And they're so good at itrest assured, they can do most things in threethere are currently few people that stand as better spermologers than the chief QI elves. So in just three standalone, but thematically linked, phrases, you can get from how }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Metcalf_Skedaddle|title=From Skedaddle to make the sound of an Orc army for ''Lord Selfie: Words of the Rings'' films Generation|author=Allan Metcalf|rating=3.5|genre=Trivia|summary=I have to go a roundabout way to record-breaking nipple hairintroduce this book, so bear with me. From illicit wartime barbers in Italy to American founding father bedroom arrangements, is only three steps – It stems partly from dictionaries and the path carries on to reach that erstwhile novice stand-upetymology of the language we use, Ronald Reagan, in two but more. It's only two jumps between Donald Trump so if anything from a different couple of books, and Charles Darwin, disconcertinglytheir ideas of generations. [[1,342 QI Facts To Leave You Flabbergasted by John Lloyd The authors of those posited the idea that all those archetypical generations – the Baby Boomers, the Millennials, John Mitchinsonand those before, James Harkin in between and Anne Miller|Full Review]] <!-- LLOYD -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Lloyd_1411since – have their own cyclical pattern, and the history of humanity has been and will be formed by the interplay of just four different kinds, running (with only one exception) in regular order.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0571329845/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[1 I don't really hold much store by that, and I certainly didn't know we'd started one since the Millennials – who the heck decides such things,411 QI Facts To Knock You Sideways by John Lloydfor one? ''Somebody must have put out an order'', John Mitchinson and James Harkin]]===as someone here says of something else. But in the same way as generations get defined by collective persons unknown, so do words – and those words are certainly a clue to what was important, predominant and of course spoken in each decade.}}[[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:TriviaFrontpage|Trivia]]isbn=Halliday_Cathedrals Handsome is as handsome does|title=Cathedrals and Abbeys (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts)|author=Stephen Halliday|rating=4. And you know what else benefits from being curt and succinct, alongside old housewives' saws like that one? 5|genre=Trivia. I always thought |summary=What makes a cathedral? It's not automatically the QI books such as this one to be handsome things principal church of anywhere that is made a city – perfectly presenting triviaSt Davids is a village of 2, four (on rare occasion000 people and wasn't always a city, three) statements to the pagebut always had a cathedral, in a very nice little cubical hardbackas did Chelmsford. Now theyIt're being represented in paperbacks not the seat of a bishop – Glasgow has the building but not the person, but you know what? Theyand hasn're still handsome thingst had a bishop since 1690. [[1,411 QI Facts To Knock You Sideways by John LloydIt's not a minster – that's something completely different, John Mitchinson and James Harkin|Full Review]] <!-- Lloyd -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Lloyd_1339if you can understand the sign in the delightful Beverley Minster describing the difference, that I saw only the other month, you're a better man I, Gunga Din.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0571308953/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="verticalLuckily this book doesn't touch on minsters much, and we can understand abbeys, so it's only the vast majority of this book that is saddled with the definition problem. It's clearly not a real problem, and those it does have are by-align: top; text-align: left;"passable, for this successfully defines a cathedral as somewhere of major importance, fine trivia and greatly worthy of our attention. }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Bramley_Shakespeare|title=The Shakespeare Trail|author=Zoe Bramley|rating=[[1,339 QI Facts To Make Your Jaw Drop by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin]]===4 [[image:4.5star.jpg|linkgenre=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] A spermologer ''is a collector of trivia''. Just that sentence tells you a lot – we're once more summary=It has been 400 years since William Shakespeare, the man heralded as the greatest writer in the realm of the curtEnglish language, succinct approach to the worldand England's information and odditiesnational poet, died. It says moreShakespeare has made a profound mark on our culture and heritage, however – beyond the weirdness yet many aspects of his life remain in the word is the obvious necessity for the word to exist – without people that could be called collectors of trivia you would not need the termshadows, and many places throughout England have forgotten their association with him. And rest assuredHere, there are currently few people that stand as better spermologers than Zoe Bramley takes the chief QI elvesreader on a journey through hundreds of places associated with Shakespeare – many whose connections will come as a surprise to most. [[1Filled with intriguing tidbits of information about Shakespeare, Elizabethan England,339 QI Facts To Make Your Jaw Drop by John Lloydand the places that she talks about, John Mitchinson and James Harkin|Full Review]]this is no mere travel guide.}}<!-- Metcalf -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Halliday_London| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"London (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts)|author=Stephen Halliday[[image:Metcalf_Skedaddle.jpg|linkrating=http://www4.amazon.co.uk/dp/019992712X/ref5|genre=nosim?tagTrivia|summary=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[From Skedaddle to Selfie: Words of What makes a city? Is it the Generation by Allan Metcalf]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] I have to go materials, such as the very London Stone itself, of mythological repute, that has moved around several times, and now forms part of a roundabout way to introducing this bookWH Smith's branch? (This has nothing, so bear with meof course, on Temple Bar, which has also been known to walk. ) It stems partly from dictionaries and Is it the people – the etymology of butchers [[Jack the language we use, but more so if anything from a different couple of books, Ripper: CSI: Whitechapel by John Bennett and their ideas of generations. The authors of those posited Paul Begg|(Jack the idea that all those archetypical generations – Ripper)]], the Baby Boomers, bakers (or whoever set fire to the Millennials, entire city from Pudding Lane) and those beforethe candlestick makers? Is it the infrastructure, in between and since – have their own cyclical patternfrom the Underground, whose one-time boss got a medal from Stalin for his success, and to the history of humanity has been and will be formed by the interplay of just four different kindsLondon Bridge itself, running (with only one exception) that in regular order. its own wanderlust means it's highly unlikely the Thames will freeze again? I don't really hold much store by thatHowever you define a city, and I London certainly didn't know we'd started one since has a lot going for it as regards weird and wonderful, and the Millennials – who the heck decides such thingstrivial yet fascinating. And, luckily for one? ''Somebody must have put out an order'', as someone here says of something elseus, so has this book. But in the same way as generations get defined by collective persons unknown, so do words – }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Holland_Railways|title=Railways (Amazing and those words are certainly a clue to what was important, predominant and of course spoken in each decade. [[From Skedaddle to Selfie: Words of the Generation by Allan Metcalf|Full Review]] <!-- Halliday -->Extraordinary Facts)|author=Julian Holland|rating=3|-genre=Trivia| stylesummary="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Halliday_Cathedrals.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1910821047/ref=nosimHow and when did Laurel and Hardy replace the Duke of York (George VI)?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Cathedrals They reopened the Romney, Hythe and Abbeys (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Stephen Halliday]]=== [[image:4Dymchurch Railway when peacetime resumed, at whose launch the latter had officiated before the War.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:History|History]]What's the worst that can happen when you travel internationally and arrive on a London goods train with no further destination documents? Well, [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] What makes a cathedral? Itif you's not automatically re an unidentifiable Peruvian mummy you can get buried as an unknown corpse before the principal church of anywhere that is made a city – St Davids is a village of 2,000 people, invoice turns up to prove you were wanted in Belgium. After so many miles and wasn't always a cityso much drama, but always had a cathedral, as did Chelmsford. Itit's not the seat of a bishop – Glasgow has the building but not the person, no surprise odd facts and hasnfun trivia derive from our country't had a bishop since 1690s trains. It's not a minster – that's something completely different, This book is designed to be an ideal source of quick articles and if you can understand the sign fun mini-essays for use in the delightful Beverley Minster describing the difference, that I saw only the other month, you're smallest room.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Donald_Words|title=Words of a better man I, Gunga Din. Luckily this book doesn't touch on minsters muchFeather|author=Graeme Donald|rating=4|genre=Trivia|summary=Words of a Feather. The title alone suggests an engaging read about language, and we can understand abbeys, so it's only the vast majority of this book that is saddled with the definition problembook certainly delivers. It's clearly not a real problempairs seemingly unrelated words, digs up their etymological roots and those it does have are by-passablereveals their common ancestry. The English language, of course, provides rich pickings indeed for this successfully defines a cathedral as somewhere book of major importance, fine trivia this type and greatly worthy of our attention. [[Cathedrals it is fascinating to see the hidden meaning behind common and Abbeys (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Stephen Halliday|Full Review]] <!not-so- Bramley -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Bramley_Shakespearecommon words. Some connections are fairly obvious once you read them.jpg|For example, the link=httpbetween ''grotto'' and ''grotesque'' is easy to grasp://www.amazonthe word ''grotesque'' derives from unpleasant figures depicted in murals in Ancient Roman ''grottoes''.co.uk/dp/1445646846/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbagOther connections are just extraordinary, like the so-crazy-you-21]] | style="verticalcouldn't-make-align: top; textit-align: left;"|===[[The Shakespeare Trail by Zoe Bramley]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|up link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] It has been 400 years since William Shakespeare, between ''furnace'' and ''fornicate''. These two words date back to Ancient Rome when prostitutes took over the man heralded as the greatest writer in the English language, and Englandcity's national poet, diedabandoned baking domes. Shakespeare has made And some connections are more than a profound mark on our culture and heritagelittle tenuous, yet many aspects seemingly just a collection of his life remain in words banded together, as is the case with the shadows, ''insult'' and many places throughout England have forgotten their association with him''salmon'' pairing. Here, Zoe Bramley takes One of my personal favourites: the reader on a journey through hundreds of places associated with Shakespeare – many whose connections will come as Italian word ''schiavo'' for ''slave'' was used to summon or dismiss a surprise slave; this word became corrupted to most. Filled with intriguing titbits of information about Shakespeare''ciao'', Elizabethan England, and a word the places that she talks about, this is no mere travel guidemore well-heeled among us use instead of ''goodbye''.}}<!-- Halliday -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Binney_English| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"The English Countryside (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts)|author=Ruth Binney[[image:Halliday_London.jpg|linkrating=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1910821020/ref4|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] Trivia| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[London (Amazing I live in the countryside and Extraordinary Facts) by Stephen Halliday]]=== spend as much time as the weather will allow exploring it, so the chance to read Ruth Binney's ''The English Countryside'' was too good to be missed. We've met Ruth [[image:4.5star.jpgThe Allotment Experience by Ruth Binney|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviewsbefore]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] What makes at Bookbag and we know that she writes well and interestingly, but just one thing was worrying me about this book. It's a city? Is it hardback and beautifully presented but its the materials, such as the very London Stone itself, of mythological repute, that has moved around several times, and now forms part of size of book that you slip into a WH Smith's branch? pocket or handbag. (This has nothingWould it be rather superficial?}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Lloyd_1234|title=1, of course234 QI Facts to Leave You Speechless|author=John Lloyd, on Temple Bar, which has also been known to walkJohn Mitchinson and James Harkin|rating=5|genre=Trivia|summary=''No US President has ever died in May.) '' Is it the people – the butchers [[Jack the Ripper: CSI: Whitechapel by ''There are fewer women on corporate boards in America than there are men named John Bennett .'' ''Dogs investigate bad smells with their right nostril and Paul Begg|(Jack the Ripper)]], the bakers (or whoever set fire good smells with their left.'' ''Apollo 11's fuel consumption was seven inches to the entire city from Pudding Lane) and the candlestick makers? gallon.'' ''The first occupational disease ever recorded in medical literature was 'chimney sweep's scrotum'.'' Is it the infrastructure''The song 'Yes, from the Underground, whose one-time boss got a medal from Stalin for his successWe Have No Bananas' was written by Leon Trotsky's nephew.'' ''In the 18th Century, King George I declared all pigeon droppings to be the London Bridge itself, that in its own wanderlust means itproperty of the Crown''s highly unlikely the Thames will freeze again? . However you define a city, London certainly has a lot going for it as regards weird and wonderful, and the trivial yet fascinatingI hardly think I need to say any more. And, luckily for us, so has this bookReview over. [[London (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Stephen Halliday}}{{Frontpage|Full Review]]isbn=Berenson_How|title=How to Speak Emoji<!-- Holland -->|author=Fred Benenson|-rating=4| stylegenre="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: centerTrivia|summary=Emojis are fun, and there's so much more to them than the smileys of days gone by ;"|[[image:Holland_Railways.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1910821004/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Railways (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Julian Holland]]=== [[image:3starThey can be a language unto themselves, though, and I've found that some members of the, ahem, older generation can find themselves a little troubled by them.jpg|link=Category:{{{ratingThis book, then, sounds perfect for anyone who needs a little help with this 'language'.}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]]{{FrontpageHow and when did Laurel and Hardy replace the Duke |isbn=Lloyd_3rd|title=QI: The Third Book of York (George VI)? They reopened the RomneyGeneral Ignorance|author=John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, Hythe James Harkin and Dymchurch Railway when peacetime resumedAndrew Hunter Murray|rating=4.5|genre=Trivia|summary=Well done, at whose launch the latter had officiated before the WarHartlepool. WhatYou didn's the worst that can happen when you travel internationally t put on trial and arrive on kill a shipwrecked monkey thinking it a London goods train with no further destination documents? Napoleonic spy – any more than the several other places thusly accused ever did. Welldone, if you're an unidentifiable Peruvian mummy you can get buried as an unknown corpse before Italy, for making the invoice turns up to prove you were wanted in Belgium. After so many miles and so much dramaciabatta such a global phenomenon it seems like a traditional foodstuff, even if it's no surprise odd facts and fun trivia derive from our country's trainswas invented in 1982. This book is designed And well done to be an ideal source of quick articles and fun mini-essays for use in that famous ice hockey player, Charles Darwin – who was probably playing it, seeing as it was a British invention, long before the smallest room. [[Railways (Amazing Canadians ever realised they might be good at it. Yes, for a book that spends a lot of its time saying 'this didn’t happen,' 'hoojamaflip didn't do this,' and Extraordinary Facts) by Julian Holland|Full Review]]'that was never thus', it's one that's incredibly easy to be most positive about.}}<!-- Donald -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Taggart_New| styletitle="widthNew Words for Old: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"Recycling Our Language for the Modern World|author=Caroline Taggart[[image:Donald_Words.jpg|linkrating=http://www3.amazon.co.uk/dp/178418814X/ref5|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] Trivia| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Words of I never declare myself off to have a Feather by Graeme Donald]]=== [[image:4star'kip', as I recall reading that it originally meant the same amount of sleeping – and activity – as happens in a whorehouse.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Reference|Reference]] The word 'cleave' can mean either to split apart or to connect together, [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] Words and I'm sure there's another word that has completely changed its meaning from one end of a Featherthings to another although I can't remember which. The title alone suggests an engaging read about language Certainly, and the book certainly delivers''literally'' has tried its best to make a full switch through rampant misuse. It pairs seemingly unrelated words Such is the nature of our language – fluid both in spelling until moderately recently, digs up their etymological roots and reveals their common ancestrydefinitely in meaning. The English language, of course, provides rich pickings indeed for This attempt at capturing a book corner of this type and it is fascinating to see the hidden meaning behind common trivia/words/novelty market is interested in such tales from the etymological world – the way we have adapted old words for our own, modern and not-so-common wordsperhaps very different usages. Some connections are fairly obvious once you read them. For example Certainly, having browsed it over a week, the link between ''grotto'' and ''grotesque'' is easy to grasp: the word ''grotesque'' derives from unpleasant figures depicted in murals in Ancient Roman ''grottoes''I can declare it a pretty strong attempt. Other connections are just extraordinary, like the so-crazy-you-couldn't-make-it-up link between ''furnace'' and ''fornicate''. These two words date back }}Move on to Ancient Rome when prostitutes took over the city's abandoned baking domes. And some connections are more than a little tenuous, seemingly just a collection of words banded together, as is the case with the ''insult'' and ''salmon'' pairing. One of my personal favourites: the Italian word ''schiavo'' for ''slave'' was used to summon or dismiss a slave; this word became corrupted to ''ciao'', a word the more well-heeled among us use instead of ''goodbye''. [[Words of a Feather by Graeme Donald|Full Review]] <!-- Binney -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Binney_English.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1910821012/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The English Countryside (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Ruth Binney]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]], [[:Category:Animals and Wildlife|Animals and Wildlife]] I live in the countryside and spend as much time as the weather will allow exploring it, so the chance to read Ruth Binney's ''The English Countryside'' was too good to be missed. We've met Ruth [[The Allotment Experience by Ruth Binney|before]] at Bookbag and we know that she writes well and interestingly, but just one thing was worrying me about this book. It's a hardback and beautifully presented but its the size of book that you slip into a pocket or handbag. Would it be rather superficial? [[The English Countryside (Amazing and Extraordinary Facts) by Ruth Binney|Full Review]] <!-- Lloyd -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Lloyd_1234.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0571326684/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[1,234 QI Facts to Leave You Speechless by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] ''No US President has ever died in May.'' ''There are fewer women on corporate boards in America than there are men named John.'' ''Dogs investigate bad smells with their right nostril and good smells with their left.'' ''Apollo 11's fuel consumption was seven inches to the gallon.'' ''The first occupational disease ever recorded in medical literature was 'chimney sweep's scrotum'.'' ''The song 'Yes, We Have No Bananas' was written by Leon Trotsky's nephew.'' ''In the 18th Century, King George I declared all pigeon droppings to be property of the Crown''. I hardly think I need say any more. Review over. [[1,234 QI Facts to Leave You Speechless by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson and James Harkin|Full Review]] <!-- Benenson -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Berenson_How.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/178503202X/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[How to Speak Emoji by Fred Benenson]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] Emojis are fun, and there's so much more to them than the smileys of days gone by ;) They can be a language unto themselves, though, and I've found that some members of the, ahem, older generation can find themselves a little troubled by them. This book, then, sounds perfect for anyone who needs a little help with this 'language'. [[How to Speak Emoji by Fred Benenson|Full Review]] <!-- Lloyd -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Lloyd_3rd.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0571308988/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[QI: The Third Book of General Ignorance by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, James Harkin and Andrew Hunter Murray]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] Well done, Hartlepool. You didn't put on trial and kill a shipwrecked monkey thinking it a Napoleonic spy – any more than the several other places thusly accused ever did. Well done, Italy, for making the ciabatta such a global phenomenon it seems like a traditional foodstuff, even if it was invented in 1982. And well done to that famous ice hockey player, Charles Darwin – who was probably playing it, seeing as it was a British invention, long before the Canadians ever realised they might be good at it. Yes, for a book that spends a lot of its time saying 'this didn’t happen,' 'hoojamaflip didn't do this,' and 'that was never thus', it's one that's incredibly easy to be most positive about. [[QI: The Third Book of General Ignorance by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson, James Harkin and Andrew Hunter Murray|Full Review]]<!-- Taggart -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Taggart_New.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1782434720/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[New Words for Old: Recycling Our Language for the Modern World by Caroline Taggart]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Trivia|Trivia]] I never declare myself off to have a 'kip', as I recall reading that it originally meant the same amount of sleeping – and activity – as happens in a whorehouse. The word 'cleave' can mean either to split apart, or to connect together, and I'm sure there's another word that has completely changed its meaning from one end of things to another although I can't remember which. Certainly, ''literally'' has tried its best to make a full switch through rampant misuse. Such is the nature of our language – fluid both in spelling until moderately recently, and definitely in meaning. This attempt at capturing a corner of the trivia/words/novelty market is interested in such tales from the etymological world – the way we have adapted old words for our own, modern and perhaps very different usages. Certainly, having browsed it over a week, I can declare it a pretty strong attempt. [[New Words for Old: Recycling Our Language for the Modern World by Caroline Taggart|Full ReviewNewest True Crime Novels]] <!-- DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE -->|}