[[Category:New Reviews|True Crime]]__NOTOC__
{{Frontpage|isbn=1785150731|class-"wikitable" cellpaddingtitle="15" <!-- INSERT NEW REVIEWS BELOW HERE-->Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and the Last Trial of Harper Lee<!-- |author=Casey Cep -->|-rating=5| stylegenre="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|True Crime[[image:1785150731.jpg|linksummary=http://wwwSometimes you begin reading a book and before you've got to the bottom of the first page you know that it's going to be brilliant. You sense the author's effortless grasp of her subject matter and you already know that her use of words is almost surgical in its precision. The hands holding you are safe, which considering that this is a book about two subjects where facts are in short supply, is somewhat surprising.amazon Our first subject is the Reverend Willie Maxwell.co Over seven years, six people close to the Reverend had died, with Maxwell benefiting substantially from insurance policies which he'd taken out on their lives.uk/dp/1785150731/ref}}{{Frontpage|isbn=191240804X|title=The Murder of Harriet Monkton|author=Elizabeth Haynes|rating=5|genre=True Crime|summary=nosim''But that's just it'', she said. ''It's ''not'' Harriet, is it?tag=thebookbag-21]] Not our Harriet. It's some manufactured creature, that exists only for this blessed inquest: something to be summed up like a spirit, to be examined and pored over, to be sneered at and judged. Harriet deserves to be remembered as she was to us, not picked at like carrion.''
| style="vertical-alignAnd that was the problem: top; textit seemed that there were two Harriets. There was the one her friends -align: left;"|===[[Furious Hours: Murdera fellow teacher, Fraud her would-be lover, her seducer and the Last Trial man who was her landlord who was also her lover - knew. Some spoke of Harper Lee by Casey Cep]]=== [[image:5starher as kindly, virtuous and pious, but that was before her body was found behind the chapel which she regularly attended in Bromley.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Sometimes you begin reading a book and before you've got to the bottom of the first page you know that it's going to be brilliant She'd been poisoned - or had taken her own life. You sense After the author's effortless grasp of her subject matter inquest was opened another Harriet would emerge, one who was about six months pregnant and you already know that her use who had obviously not been living the chaste life expected of words is almost surgical a young, unmarried woman in its precision1843. The hands holding you are safe}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Winn_Hello|title=Hello, which considering that this is a book about two subjects where facts are in short supplyShadowlands|author=Patrick Winn|rating=4|genre=True Crime|summary=''Hello, is somewhat surprisingShadowlands'' chronicles a booming crime wave in South East Asia. Our first subject is It illuminates everything from the Reverend Willie Maxwell. Over seven years, six people close meth industry in Myanmar to the Reverend had died, with Maxwell benefiting substantially from insurance policies which heabortion pill black market in the Philippines using both Winn'd taken out on their livess personal accounts and historical context. [[Furious Hours: Murder, Fraud and It is devastating to imagine the Last Trial very real human lives that are swept up in this cloud of Harper Lee by Casey Cep|Full Review]]refuse, and how the West helped create it and is doing nothing to prevent it.}} <!-- Elizabeth Haynes -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Orth_Versace| styletitle="widthVulgar Favours: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"The Assassination of Gianni Versace|author=Maureen Orth[[image:191240804X.jpg|linkrating=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/191240804X/ref5|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] True Crime| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Murder of Harriet Monkton by Elizabeth Haynes]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Crime (Historical)|Crime (Historical)]]What is it about true crime which makes it so fascinating to such a wide audience? I guess it's wanting to try to figure out what happened to make these people partake in the awful crimes they committed, [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] ''But that's just or else the same inexplicable impulse people have to slow down when they overtake a car crash on the motorway. Whatever it''is, she said. ''ItMaureen Orth's ''not'' Harrietbook, Vulgar Favours, is taps right on into it? Not our Harriet. It's some manufactured creature, that exists only }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Masters Killing|title=Killing for this blessed inquest: something to be summed up like Company|author=Brian Masters|rating=5|genre=True Crime|summary=Killing for Company is a spiritdetailed criminal study of Dennis Nilsen, to be examined and pored over, to be sneered at unique in that it was produced with Nilsen's full cooperation and judged. Harriet deserves to be remembered as she was to us, not picked at like carrionincludes material from Nilsen's prison diaries.Covering Nilsen'' And that was s early life, his career and subsequent murders, this is a detailed analysis of the problem: it seemed that there were two Harriets. There was man behind the one her friends - a fellow teacher, her would-be lover, her seducer murder and the man who was her landlord who was also her lover - knew. Some spoke of her as kindlyan attempt, virtuous and piouson Masters' part, but that was before her body was found behind the chapel which she regularly attended in Bromleyto understand what shaped Nilsen and what could have caused such apparently senseless violence. She'd been poisoned - or had taken her own life}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Grisham_Innocent|title=The Innocent Man|author=John Grisham|rating=4. After the inquest was opened another Harriet would emerge5|genre=True Crime|summary=Many readers may be drawn by the fact that the internationally bestselling John Grisham is the author here. I, one who was about six months pregnant and who had obviously not been living the chaste life expected however, must admit that although I have enjoyed some of a youngthe films based on his books, unmarried woman in 1843I have never actually read any of them. [[The Murder of Harriet Monkton by Elizabeth Haynes|Full Review]] <!-- Winn -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|This hasn't been due to deliberate avoidance, I just haven't gotten around to it. I was keen then to read this True Crime title and see what Grisham would bring to the table, so to speak.}}{{Frontpage[[image:Winn_Hello.jpg|left|linkisbn=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1785783475/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] Nelson Red| styletitle="vertical-alignThe Red Parts: top; text-align: left;"Autobiography of a Trial|author=Maggie Nelson|rating=4|genre==[[Hello, Shadowlands by Patrick Winn]]===True Crime[[image:4star.jpg|linksummary=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Maggie Nelson is the author of four volumes of poetry and five wide-ranging works of nonfiction that delve into the nature of violence and sexuality. From what I''Hellod heard about her writing, Shadowlands'' chronicles I knew to expect an important and unconventional thinker with a booming crime wave in South East Asiadistinctive, lyrical style. It illuminates everything from the meth industry Now Vintage is making some of her backlist, including this book (originally published in Myanmar to 2007) and the uncategorisable Bluets, available for the abortion pill black market first time in the Philippines using both Winn's personal accounts and historical contextUK. It is devastating to imagine the very real human lives that are swept up in this cloud of refuse, }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Carrere_Adversary|title=The Adversary|author=Emmanuel Carrere and how the West helped create it and is doing nothing to prevent it. [[Hello, Shadowlands by Patrick WinnLinda Coverdale (translator)|Full Review]] <!-- Orth -->rating=4|-genre=True Crime| stylesummary="width: 10%; verticalOn 9th January 1993, Jean-align: top; textClaude Romand orchestrated a horrifying chain of events which exposed a shocking double life, a history of lies and a breath-align: center;"|[[image:Orth_Versacetaking capacity for deceit.jpg|left|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1785943103?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1785943103]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Vulgar Favours: The Assassination The Adversary dissects the choices and actions of Romand which led to the brutal murders of his wife, children and parents and the attempted murder of Gianni Versace by Maureen Orth]]=== [[image:5starhis mistress, the impact of his deception on those around him and his sensational trial.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}Carrère is as integral a part of this story as Romand, his coverage of the trial and correspondence with him whilst in prison form a significant part of the story as do his feelings and response to Romand's justification for his actions.} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime}{{Frontpage|isbn=Grann_Killers|title=Killers of the Flower Moon|author=David Grann|rating=5|genre=True Crime]] What is it about true crime which makes it so fascinating to such a wide audience? I guess it|summary=''s wanting to try to figure out what happened to make these people partake in Killers of the awful crimes they committedFlower Moon'' tells the story of the Osage tribe, or else the same inexplicable impulse people have forced to slow down when they overtake a car crash on settle in the motorway. Whatever it isrocky, Maureen Orth's bookuninhabitable wilds of Oklahoma in what would become Osage County. In an unexpected turn of fortune, Vulgar Favoursprospectors struck oil, taps right on instantly catapulting the Osage into it. [[Vulgar Favours: The Assassination unimaginable wealth and fortune making them some of the richest people in the world. Then members of Gianni Versace by Maureen Orth|Full Review]] <!-- Masters -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Masters Killingthe tribe start to die, slowly at first of apparently natural causes then, in increasingly violent ways.jpg|left|link=https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1784759422?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbagAn investigation into the matter stalls and is beset by incompetence and a general lack of interest in the fate of the Osage until the FBI becomes involved and draws together a team of battle-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1784759422]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Killing for Company scarred, unorthodox agents led by Brian Masters]]===former Texas Ranger Tom White. As pressure on White increases, from both the FBI and the increasingly angry Osage, the race to find the truth becomes increasingly difficult, with more twists and double-crosses than any murder mystery.}}{{Frontpage[[image:5star.jpg|linkisbn=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True CrimeTalty_Black|True Crime]]title=The Black Hand|author=Stephan TaltyKilling for Company |rating=4|genre=True Crime|summary=History is a detailed criminal fascinating subject to study as there is so much of Dennis Nilsenit, unique in that it was produced with Nilsen's full cooperation so why do we keep going back to the same places? I feel like I have walked the steps of Julius Caesar and includes material from Nilsenmarried at least two of Henry VIII's prison diaries. Covering Nilsen's early lifewives, so often I have read about them. There are countless other tales out there to learn about that may be more obscure, his career and subsequent murdersbut are just as exciting. I don't know much about New York around 1900, this is a detailed analysis of the man behind the murder and an attempt, on Mastersbut after reading ''The Black Hand'' partby Stephan Talty I now know it was a violent place to live, but an interesting one to understand what shaped Nilsen and what could have caused such apparently senseless violencelearn about. [[Killing for Company by Brian Masters|Full Review]]}}<!-- Grisham -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Tierney_Doctor| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"The Doctor's Wife is Dead|author=Andrew Tierney[[image:Grisham_Innocent.jpg|left|linkrating=https://www4.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1784759414?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1784759414]] 5| stylegenre="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"True Crime|summary===[[The Innocent Man by John Grisham]]=== [[image:4In 1849 a woman named Ellen Langley died at her home in Nenagh, Co.5starTipperary Ireland.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Many readers may be drawn by She was the wife of a prosperous doctor and came from a well-respected family; so why was she buried in a pauper's coffin? Why had she been confined to the fact that grim attic rooms of the internationally bestselling John Grisham is house she shared with her husband and then exiled to rented lodgings in the author here. I however, must admit that although I have enjoyed some most impoverished part of the films based on his bookstheir famine-ravaged town? Why had her death caused such uproar and ultimately, I have never actually read any why had her husband been charged with murder? }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Preston_Very|title=A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of them. This hasn't been due to deliberate avoidance, I just haven't gotten around to it. I was keen then to read this the Establishment|author=John Preston|rating=5|genre=True Crime title |summary=Jeremy Thorpe was the sort of person who was generally liked by others. He was flamboyant and see what Grisham would bring to gregarious but could give the table, so to speakimpression that meeting someone had made his day. [[The Innocent Man by John Grisham|Full Review]] <!-- Nelson -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Nelson RedHe never seemed to forget a name and he was witty, charismatic and very charming. He appeared to be a decent man, with views with which I would have agreed on race, capital punishment and membership of the Common Market, as the European Union was then known.jpg|left|link=https://wwwFor this was the nineteen sixties and Thorpe had entered Parliament at the age of thirty and by 1967 he would be party leader.amazon.coOn the surface, he was a man who had everything going for him.uk/gp/product/1784705799?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1784705799]]}}{{Frontpage| styleisbn="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"Ricca_Holmes|title===[[The Red PartsMrs Holmes: Autobiography Murder, Kidnap and the True Story of a Trial by Maggie Nelson]]==an Extraordinary Lady Detective|author=Brad Ricca [[image:4star.jpg|linkrating=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Autobiography3.5|Autobiography]], [[:Category:genre=True Crime|True Crime]] Maggie Nelson is summary=Grace Humiston, an American lawyer and travelling detective in the author early years of four volumes of poetry and five wide-ranging works of nonfiction that delve into the nature twentieth century, was well ahead of violence and sexualityher time. From what I'd heard about her writingLong before women were readily accepted in the legal profession, I knew to expect an important and unconventional thinker with a distinctiveshe became the first female US District Attorney, lyrical style. Now Vintage is making some of her backlisttaking on cases nobody else wanted, including this book (originally published in 2007) and setting herself up as an advocate for the uncategorisable Bluetsdisadvantaged, available for the first time charging minimal fees and working hard on what seemed to be utterly hopeless cases. With her flair for publicity, she made good copy and was always good for a story in the UKpapers. Her nickname 'Mrs. Sherlock Holmes' was an apt one. [[The Red Parts: Autobiography of a Trial by Maggie Nelson|Full Review]]}}<!-- Carrerre -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Osang_Scholl| styletitle="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; textThe Scholl Case|author=Anja Reich-align: center;"Osang and Imogen Taylor (translator)|rating=5[[image:Carrere_Adversary.jpg|leftgenre=True Crime|linksummary=https://wwwI think I'd like Ludwigsfelde.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1784705802?ie=UTF8&tag=thebookbag-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1784705802]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrere and Linda Coverdale I wouldn't have liked it when it was an industrial village, with one or two huge mechanical plants and nothing else to its name. But now, even with the constant hum of the autobahn (translatorone of Hitler's)]]=== [[image:4starkeeping it company, it must have an appeal.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] On 9th January 1993 JeanIt has been rebuilt, refashioned and remodelled since the end of East Germany, under the most prosperous and forward-Claude Romand orchestrated a horrifying chain of events which exposed a shocking double lifelooking mayor in the state, if not the country. He, it was, who put in a history of lies and a breathmostly-taking capacity nude swimming spa. It has dispensers for deceit. The Adversary dissects doggy poo bags, so there's nothing as uncouth as taking your own. The mayor, bless him, even expanded the choices and actions of Romand which led motorway to the brutal murders three lanes in each direction. It is within touch of his wifeBerlin, children and parents in tune with so many business wants, yet is surrounded by woodland. Woodland where, between Christmas and the attempted murder of his mistressNew Year a few years back, the impact of his deception on those around him mayor's own wife and his sensational trial. Carrère is as integral a part of this story as Romanddog were found, his coverage of the trial and correspondence with him whilst in prison form a significant part of the story as do his feelings and response to Romandboth having been strangled… }}{{Frontpage|isbn=Bard_Capital|title=Capital Punishment: London's justification for his actions. [[The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrere and Linda Coverdale (translator)Places of Execution|Full Review]]author=Robert Bard <!-- Grann -->|rating=4|-genre=True Crime| stylesummary="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Grann_KillersThe majority of books on true crime and murder focus first and foremost on specific incidents.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.coThis concise volume takes a different approach, in dealing with them according to where the executioner completed his task.uk/dp/0857209027/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]]}}{{Frontpage| styleisbn="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"Wilber_Good|title=A Good Month For Murder|author=Del Quentin Wilber|rating=[[Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann]]==2|genre=True Crime [[image:5star.jpg|linksummary=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] ''Killers I like to read crime fiction in part because it allows me to keep the dark world of the Flower Moon'' tells the story of the Osage tribemurder and mayhem at arms-length, forced to settle in whilst still enjoying the rockyvicarious thrills. After all, uninhabitable wilds of Oklahoma in what would become Osage Countythis is fiction and therefore a made-up death. In an unexpected turn of fortuneHowever, prospectors struck oil, instantly catapulting the Osage into unimaginable wealth sometimes it is important to have a reality check and fortune making them some read a bit of the richest people in the worldnon-fiction. Then members of The problem is with true crime as a genre is that it is sometimes written the tribe start to diesame as fiction, slowly at first of apparently natural causes then in increasingly violent waysalthough it is 'real’. Investigation into the matter stalls and is beset by incompetence and Is there a general lack of interest in place to sensationalise actual death for the fate entertainment of the Osage until the FBI becomes involved and draws together a team others?}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Bell_AZ|title=The A-Z of battle scarredVictorian Crime|author=Neil R A Bell, unorthodox agents led by former Texas Ranger Tom White. As pressure on White increasesTrevor N Bond, from both the FBI Kate Clarke and the increasingly angry Osage, the race to find the truth becomes increasingly difficult, with more twists and double crosses than any murder mystery. [[Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann|Full Review]] <!-- TALTY -->M W Oldridge|rating=4.5|genre=True Crime|summary=Victorian crime has never ceased to cast its spell. Is it because such terrible goings-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Talty_Black.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1785037129/ref=nosimon took place sufficiently long ago that they do not disgust us in the same way as equally dreadful events from, say, the last few days of which we read from today's papers or online coverage?tag=thebookbagWhatever the reason, there is an endless fascination with murders and other major transgressions of the law from the era of gas lamps and swirling fog – true Victorian melodrama, misbehaviour and horror from real-21]]life writ large. It is amply catered for in this title, the joint work of four authors.}}{{Frontpage| styleisbn="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"Glenny_Nemesis|title===[[Nemesis – The Black Hand by Stephan Talty]]Hunt For Brazil's Most Wanted Criminal|author=Misha Glenny|rating=4.5|genre=True Crime [[image:4star.jpg|linksummary=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] History is Many of us have had a fascinating subject to study as there is so much of 'Sliding Doors' moment. A single incident that grabs life by the shoulders and shoves itin a completely new and unexpected direction. Few can have travelled quite so far, quite so why do we keep going back to the same places? I feel like I have walked the steps quickly as Antonio Francisco Bonfim Lopes, aka Nem.}}{{Frontpage|isbn=Garner_House|title=This House of Julius Caesar and married at least two Grief|author=Helen Garner|rating=4|genre=True Crime|summary=This is an account of Henry VIIIa harrowing event in Australia's wives, so often I have read about themrecent history: the drowning of three young boys when the car being driven by their father, Robert Farquharson, veered off the road and fell into a dam. There are countless other tales out there to learn about that may be more obscure, but are just as excitingThe father escaped unhurt. I don't know much about New York around 1900, but after reading ''The Black Hand'' tragedy was appropriated by Stephan Talty I now know it was the national media and led to a violent place to live, but an interesting one to learn aboutdrawn-out prosecution of the father for murder. [[The Black Hand by Stephan Talty|Full Review]] <!-- Tierney -->}}{{Frontpage|-isbn=Quillen_Inside| styletitle="widthInside Alcatraz: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|My Life on the Rock[[image:Tierney_Doctor.jpg|linkauthor=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1844883922/refJim Quillen|rating=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] 5| stylegenre="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"True Crime|summary===[[The Doctor's Wife is Dead by Andrew Tierney]]=== [[image:4It sounds like something from a Hollywood movie.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] In 1849 a woman named Ellen Langley died at her home in NenaghA group of young prisoners make a daring escape from prison and go on the run, Co. Tipperary Irelandcleverly evading capture thanks to quick wits and creative thinking. She was After managing to cover some distance, the wife of a prosperous doctor men began to feel ''smart, confident and came from a well-respected family; so why was she buried in a pauper's coffin? Why quite comfortable,'' thinking that they had she been confined managed to outwit the grim attic rooms of police. A rude awakening with a gun to the house she shared with her husband and then exiled head one morning proved otherwise. The circumstances of their escape meant that their capture would lead to rented lodgings a long incarceration in one of the most impoverished part of their famine-ravaged town? Why had her death caused such uproar and ultimately, why had her husband been charged with murder? [[The Doctornotorious prisons in the world: Alcatraz. ''Inside Alcatraz''s Wife is Dead by Andrew Tierney|Full Review]]the story of one of those men, Jim Quillen, and his long road to redemption.}}<!-- Preston -->{{Frontpage|-isbn=Platt_Criminal| styletitle="widthCriminal Capital: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime|author=Stephen Platt[[image:Preston_Very.jpg|linkrating=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0241973740/ref4|genre=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] True Crime| stylesummary="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[A Very English Scandal: SexIt used to be estate agents we reviled the most, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of but they've now achieved relative respectability. MPs briefly took the Establishment top spot, but for many years now the list has been topped by John Preston]]=== [[image:5starbankers following the 2008 financial crisis when huge taxpayer-funded financial bailouts were required to keep the world's financial system afloat.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Jeremy Thorpe was the sort Most people will think that we've heard the worst of person who was generally liked by others. He was flamboyant and gregarious what has been going on, but could give the impression Stephen Platt believes that meeting someone had made his day. He never seemed to forget a name excessive risk-taking and he was witty, charismatic and very charming. He appeared to mis-selling might well be just a decent man, with views with which I would have agreed on race, capital punishment minor part of what is still happening in the industry and membership of that government attempts to counter the Common Market, as the European Union was then known. For this was the nineteen sixties and Thorpe had entered Parliament at the age of thirty and by 1967 he would problems are misguided and unlikely to be party leader. On the surface he was a man who had everything going for himeffective. }}Move on to [[A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of the Establishment by John Preston|Full Review]] <!-- Ricca -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Ricca_Holmes.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1445663449/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Mrs Holmes: Murder, Kidnap and the True Story of an Extraordinary Lady Detective by Brad Ricca]]=== [[image:3.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Grace Humiston, an American lawyer and travelling detective in the early years of the twentieth century, was well ahead of her time. Long before women were readily accepted in the legal profession, she became the first female US District Attorney, taking on cases nobody else wanted, setting herself up as an advocate for the disadvantaged, charging minimal fees and working hard on what seemed to be utterly hopeless cases. With her flair for publicity she made good copy, and was always good for a story in the papers. Her nickname 'Mrs. Sherlock Holmes' was an apt one. [[Mrs Holmes: Murder, Kidnap and the True Story of an Extraordinary Lady Detective by Brad Ricca|Full Review]] <!-- Osang -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Osang_Scholl.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1925240932/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The Scholl Case by Anja Reich-Osang and Imogen Taylor (translator)]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] I think I'd like Ludwigsfelde. I wouldn't have liked it when it was an industrial village, with one or two huge mechanical plants and nothing else to its name. But now, even with the constant hum of the autobahn (one of Hitler's) keeping it company, it must have an appeal. It has been rebuilt, refashioned and remodelled since the end of East Germany, under the most prosperous and forward-looking mayor in the state, if not the country. He it was who put in a mostly-nude swimming spa. It has dispensers for doggy poo bags, so there's nothing as uncouth as taking your own. The mayor, bless him, even expanded the motorway to three lanes in each direction. It is within touch of Berlin, and in tune with so many business wants, yet is surrounded by woodland. Woodland where, between Christmas and New Year a few years back, the mayor's own wife and dog were found, both having been strangled… [[The Scholl Case by Anja Reich-Osang and Imogen Taylor (translator)|Full Review]] <!-- Bard -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Bard_Capital.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1445667363/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Capital Punishment: London's Places of Execution by Robert Bard]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] The majority of books on true crime and murder focus first and foremost on specific incidents. This concise volume takes a different approach, in dealing with them according to where the executioner completed his task. [[Capital Punishment: London's Places of Execution by Robert Bard|Full Review]] <!-- Wilber -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Wilber_Good.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1509830502/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[A Good Month For Murder by Del Quentin Wilber]]=== [[image:2star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] I like to read crime fiction in part because it allows me to keep the dark world of murder and mayhem at arms-length, whilst still enjoying the vicarious thrills. After all, this is fiction and therefore a made up death. However, sometimes it is important to have a reality check and read a bit of non-fiction. The problem is with true crime as a genre is that it is sometimes written the same as fiction, although it is 'real’. Is there a place to sensationalise actual death for the entertainment of others? [[A Good Month For Murder by Del Quentin Wilber|Full Review]] <!-- Bell -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Bell_AZ.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1445647869/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[The A-Z of Victorian Crime by Neil R A Bell, Trevor N Bond, Kate Clarke and M W Oldridge]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Victorian crime has never ceased to cast its spell. Is it because such terrible goings-on took place sufficiently long ago that they do not disgust us in the same way as equally dreadful events from, say, the last few days of which we read from today's papers or online coverage? Whatever the reason, there is an endless fascination with murders and other major transgressions of the law from the era of gas lamps and swirling fog – true Victorian melodrama, misbehaviour and horror from real life writ large. It is amply catered for in this title, the joint work of four authors. [[The A-Z of Victorian Crime by Neil R A Bell, Trevor N Bond, Kate Clarke and M W Oldridge|Full Review]] <!-- Glenny -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Glenny_Nemesis.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0099584654/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Nemesis – The Hunt For Brazil's Most Wanted Criminal by Misha Glenny]]=== [[image:4.5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] Many of us have had a 'Sliding Doors' moment. A single incident that grabs life by the shoulders and shoves it in a completely new and unexpected direction. Few can have travelled quite so far, quite so quickly as Antonio Francisco Bonfim Lopes, aka Nem. [[Nemesis – The Hunt For Brazil's Most Wanted Criminal by Misha Glenny|Full Review]] <!-- Garner -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Garner_House.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1925240681/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[This House of Grief by Helen Garner]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] This is an account of a harrowing event in Australia's recent history: the drowning of three young boys when the car being driven by their father, Robert Farquharson, veered off the road and fell into a dam. The father escaped unhurt. The tragedy was appropriated by the national media and led to a drawn-out prosecution of the father for murder. [[This House of Grief by Helen Garner|Full Review]] <!-- QUILLEN -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Quillen_Inside.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1784750662/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Inside Alcatraz: My Life on the Rock by Jim Quillen]]=== [[image:5star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Autobiography|Autobiography]],[[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] It sounds like something from a Hollywood movie. A group of young prisoners make a daring escape from prison and go on the run, cleverly evading capture thanks to quick wits and creative thinking. After managing to cover some distance, the men began to feel ''smart, confident and quite comfortable,'' thinking that they had managed to outwit the police. A rude awakening with gun to the head one morning proved otherwise. The circumstances of their escape meant that their capture would lead to a long incarceration in one of the most notorious prisons in the world: Alcatraz. ''Inside Alcatraz'' is the story of one of those men, Jim Quillen, and his long road to redemption. [[Inside Alcatraz: My Life on the Rock by Jim Quillen|Full Review]] <!-- PLATT -->|-| style="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:Platt_Criminal.jpg|link=http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/113733729X/ref=nosim?tag=thebookbag-21]] | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|===[[Criminal Capital: How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime by Stephen Platt]]=== [[image:4star.jpg|link=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:Business and Finance|Business and Finance]], [[:Category:True Crime|True Crime]] It used to be estate agents we reviled the most, but they've now achieved relative respectability. MPs briefly took the top spot, but for many years now the list has been topped by bankers following the 2008 financial crisis, when huge taxpayer-funded financial bailouts were required to keep the world's financial system afloat. Most people will think that we've heard the worst of what has been going on, but Stephen Platt believes that excessive risk taking and mis-selling might well be just a minor part of what is still happening in the industry and that government attempts to counter the problems are misguided and unlikely to be effective. [[Criminal Capital: How the Finance Industry Facilitates Crime by Stephen Platt|Full ReviewNewest Women's Fiction Reviews]] <!-- DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE -->|}