|date=February 2015
Human reactions to the aliens range from groupie to lynch mob - and Cara is just as much a target as Aelyx for her association with him. The irrational behaviour of the students at their school, echoed by the parents of the students, quickly escalates from a few threatening notes to Cara and Aelyx needing armed escorts.
Landers keeps the stakes high and the pages turning by introducing a need for the alliance to go forwards - beyond Cara and Aelyx's burgeoning relationship. It's my biggest and most consistent criticism of YA books that the romance is all -consuming, leading to entertaining, but essentially shallow reads. ''Alienated'' definitely doesn't make that mistake. There's plenty of romance, yes, but there's plenty more going on around it.
An interesting central conceit used effectively to show the darker sides of human nature, with a cute central romance to boot. A really good read that I couldn't put down! My thanks to the publishers for sending a copy. We also have a review of [[Invaded by Melissa Landers]].
For a slightly different, but equally enjoyable take on aliens, try [[The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey]].