So – a rollicking adventure with a nice balance of danger, excitement and humour, and a couple of young characters who go through just the right amount of squabbling, confusion, jealousy, and uncertainty about the scary new circumstances they've got themselves into. The good news is that it's the first in a series so we'll meet Brine, Peter and the crew of the Onion again. One word of warning to animal lovers, though: once you read this book, you will never see penguins in the same way again. Cute is the last word that comes to mind when you encounter these particular beasties!
If you'd like more books about young people who don't start out as heroes (and who have no desire to be the teeniest bit heroic) but who fight monsters and baddies anyway, try [[Darkmouth by Shane Hegarty]] and the sequels [[Darkmouth: Worlds Explode by Shane Hegarty|Worlds Explode]] and [[Darkmouth: Chaos Descends by Shane Hegarty|Chaos Descends]]. Tons of action, generous and regular dollops of deadly peril, and a touch of zaniness to tie the whole lot together. We also have a review of [[Journey to Dragon Island (The Accidental Pirates) by Claire Fayers]].