Truly: I can't recommend ''The Murdstone Trilogy'' highly enough. I've never read anything quite like it. On my press sheet, Bookbag favourite Tim Bowler says, ''I need a lie-down. I always do after I read Mal Peet''. I feel pretty much the same. Don't miss this one, chaps. It's crying out to be read.
[[Sara's Face by Melvin Burgess]] is a satire on celebrity culture with a challenging reportage style. If ''The Murdstone Trilogy'' appeals, you'll probably love any of the [[Mort by Terry Pratchett|Discworld]] series by Terry Pratchett - although the there, the fantasy ''is'' the satire. You might also enjoy [[I Really, Really Want It by Richard Hennerley]] and [[Mr Godley's Phantom by Mal Peet]].