Alert! Alert! Mind controlling rubbery spider creature at six o'clock! Hostile! Dive! Dive!
If you're looking for an absolute gorefest, you will find it here. Horrible creatures maurauding marauding through the Barbican, a group of mismatched, trapped teenagers who don't trust one another, hordes of zombified adults, and a clock ticking towards a massive explosion - what more could you want?! I'm not the world's greatest fan of schlock, but I have to say I found ''Crawlers'' immensely enjoyable. It's clear that Sam Enthoven had an absolute ball writing it and the enthusisasm comes across in spades.
All the action is squashed into a six-hour timeframe, and so the writing is smart, snappy and pacy. The characters represent the standard stereotypes - bully, nerd, hanger-on, reluctant hero, etc, but they are given much better treatment than is the norm in some genre novels. Each of the trapped children gets a fully-rounded personality and some backstory, too. And it isn't only the two central characters, Ben and Jasmine, who get to behave heroically. The monsters are suitably disgusting - as is the cover art, look at the thumbnail up there! Ugh! - and you get an amusing nod to the evils of greedy corporations, which I thoroughly enjoyed.