'''* BB: What with two young kids and a new baby, I wonder how you manage to squeeze a single written word into your day, let alone the sustained effort of a whole novel. So to encourage hassled young mums everywhere, when and how on earth do you find the time?'''
LJ: Time is the limiting factor on most of my life. I have four tiers of priorities: One is getting where we have to go, feeding people, washing up and sleep. Two is sorting washing and sort of cleaning the house. Three is writing and the business around it, Four is 'indulgent things for me' – swimming, going for a lone walk etc. In five years, I have never managed to reach four. I wrote [[Eating Blackbirds by Lorraine Jenkin|Eating Blackbirds]] and [[Cold Enough to To Freeze Cows by Lorraine Jenkins|Cold Enough to Freeze Cows]] between about 9 and 10 pm at night and let personal hygiene out of the window…
'''* BB: I'm amazed that you manage any house cleaning at all! So, what else do you get up to in a typical day?'''