But not so! In the crypt sits the mysterious Seba Nile, a member of the vampire clan in need of an assistant...
Huzzah! More Darren Shan vampires! I love these stories. ''Birth of a Killer'' is the first in a four-part prequel series and will follow our favourite outcast vampire, Larten, in the centuries leading up to the ''Saga of Darren Shan''. I really enjoyed this first book - it's written with Shan's trademark page-turning skill and it has as much social comment as it does bitingand bitey things. Seba Nile is a brilliant creation - a hard taskmaster with biting a corrosive wit, he made me laugh out loud several times. But he's also kindly and ethical, if only Larten could realise it.
Larten himself is in part a typical, sulky, wayward teenager. He's impulsive at times and he has a terrible temper, fired by a fierce sense of injustice, which Seba tries to give him control over. He's also tremendously introspective and spends a lot of time brooding. He's ambitious too, and endlessly curious about the vampire world he aspires to become a part of.