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==For sharing==
|author=Nicola Smee
|title=Funny Face
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=The young boy is playing with his ball, when along comes a bear who steals it. The big meanie! He takes the only sensible action when faced with a big scary bear: he sticks his tongue out and pulls a funny face!
|summary=Wisher and the Runaway Piglet is the first book in a charming series about the Railway Rabbits. The little family of rabbits are delightful creatures who enjoy life and exploring the big wide world. Lots of dangers lurk, but they always seem to come through unscathed. However, when they hear rumours of a fierce dog chasing a runaway pig, even they are a little daunted. All except Wisher that is, who feels the need to go and warn her friend Violet Vole. Along the way she is almost trapped by the buzzard and trampled over by the Red Dragon. Somehow though, she escapes major disaster and even manages to save the day. Maybe such narrow escapes and her parents' obvious relief on her return may lead her to be more cautious in the future but that remains to be seen. Somehow, I doubt it!
|author=Natasha Wing and Pablo Bernasconi
|title=How To Raise A Dinosaur
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Every young dino fan needs guidance, should they choose to have a dinosaur as a pet. Taking in such vital advice as the best chew toys (cars, usually) and the best way to administer a tummy rub, ''How To Raise A Dinosaur'' is a a light-hearted and silly look at the perils one would face if dinosaurs were around today.
|author=Kristina Stephenson
|title=Sir Charlie Stinky Socks and the Really Dreadful Spell
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Sir Charlie Stinky Socks is on his way home from a little princess's birthday party when he realises he has left his sword behind, and he has to ride his mare back to get it. On the way he meets a stranger who offers some advice on the best route to get there. The stranger, though, is up to no good – he guides Charlie into obstacles, but Charlie finds his way out with the help of his power. Finally, he's back at the princess's castle, but what's up? Why has everyone turned to stone? Can Charlie save the day?
|author=Jenny Nimmo and Gwen Millward
|title=The Beasties
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=A small girl called Daisy is trying to get to sleep in her new bed in her new house. As she tosses and turns, she does not see three small Beasties creep into her room and under the bed. There they spread out all sorts of treasure such as buttons, feathers, pearls and rings. These items are going to be very important for what happens next in the story. At this point Daisy hears a noise and sits up in bed wondering what it could be. It's a growly sound but as she listens more closely she realises that it actually sounds like a story. One of the Beasties, Ferdinand, is telling an enchanting story all about a ring that belonged to a faraway king. Before long Daisy falls asleep wondering about the ring. During the following two nights similar things happen as she hears noises and then realise that Weevil and Floot, the other two beasties are also telling their lovely bedtime stories about sailing ships and beautiful princesses.
|author=Tony Mitton and Layn Marlow
|title=The Night Before Christmas
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=The original poem is from the viewpoint of a father who meets Santa Claus. This version is told by one of the two children who sneak out of bed when they hear Father Christmas coming. Like the original, it's written in rhyming verse, but the words are simpler than in the original and the words and pictures are modern ones, targeted at young children in the 21st century.
|author=Kate Slater
|title=Magpie's Treasure
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Magnus Magpie, like so many of his fellow magpies, loves collecting shiny things, including a pinnacle from the Taj Mahal and the queen's emerald egg cup. What he wants most of all is the beautiful, shining moon, so off he flies...
|author=Paul Geraghty
|title=Help Me!
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=At the waterhole, the elephants wander by, an impala watches and waits, and a tortoise makes his way slowly to the water's edge. One animal after another gets into trouble, and is helped by an unlikely ally. It all makes for an amazing day with the wildlife of Africa.
|author=Ruth Brown
|title=Snail Trail
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Slimy Snail sets out on an adventure, up a hill, through a tunnel, and on and on. When he finally comes to rest in a dark cave, we take a look at the trail he's left, and discover just where he's been travelling.
|author=Michael Foreman
|title=Jack's Fantastic Voyage
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Jack loves spending time with his sea-loving grandfather, hearing tales of his old ocean voyages, and seeing his beautiful paintings. When other kids in the village cast doubts about whether Grandfather really has ever been to sea, Jack begins to see things in a new light. However, as he's drifting off to sleep, Jack, Grandfather and Grandfather's house are all whisked away on a fantastic voyage across the sea.
|author=Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski
|title=Meg and Mog: Meg Goes to Bed
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Meg is a witch who lives with her cat, Mog, and Owl. This is the latest in a lovely series of picture books by Helen Nicoll and illustrator Jan Pienkowski. In other books in the series they travel around the world and beyond, but Meg Goes to Bed describes an evening/night at home.
|author=Bob Hartman and Krisztina Kallai Nagy
|title=The Lion Storyteller Christmas Book
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Christmas is such a magical time of year especially for children. Sometimes though, with all the excitement of presents, decorations and parties, they can forget what Christmas is really about. The Lion Storyteller Christmas Book is perfect for sharing wonderful tales and legends from around the world that help to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.
|author=Tony Ross
|title=A Little Princess Treasury
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Most parents of two to three year olds will surely be aware of The Little Princess. She is used universally whilst potty training thanks to 'I want my potty!' and always seems to raise giggles and sniggers from little ones when her stories are read aloud. I do enjoy reading them aloud, as I get to be loud and shouty and obnoxious! This treasury is a lovely collection, with a wide range of stories as well as some puzzles for slightly older toddlers thrown in too.
|author=John Foster
|title=See You Later, Escalator
|genre=Children's Rhymes and Verse
|summary=Always a sucker for a good poetry anthology here at Bookbag, we've enjoyed two previous collections from John Foster. ''See You Later, Escalator'' continues in the same vein, with poems from the likes of Tony Mitton, Michael Rosen, Michelle Magorian and Brian Patten.
|author=Elizabeth Beresford
|title=The Wombles
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=A scruffy, shaggy, slightly overweight, furry creature is riding around part of South London, barely in control of his bicycle. No, not the political memoirs of the incumbent Mayor of London. Better. Far better. It's Orinoco Womble and the gang are back!
|author=Kenneth Steven and Jane Ray
|title=Stories for a Fragile Planet: Traditional Tales About Caring for the Earth
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Stories for a Fragile Planet is a wonderful anthology of stories from long ago and also from the present. The stories come from far and wide – from China to Alaska. They all seem to involve brave characters that care greatly about their environment and who are prepared to do things differently whether it is looking after a blackbird's nest for days until the eggs hatch or caring for a young lion cub who would otherwise die. There are ten stories in total and each one is short but self contained with a very satisfying conclusion. Each one can easily be read in a single sitting and would make ideal bedtime stories for slightly older children.
|author=David McKee
|title=Elmer and Papa Red
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Elmer and Papa Red is a lovely picture story book that features some very excitable elephants. It is only two days before the visit of Papa Red and all the young elephants are so excited that they can hardly contain themselves. Elmer takes them for a walk to fetch the big tree whilst the older elephants make the preparations. They have a great time especially as they see snow for the first time and that leads to a great deal of fun and frolicking. Once the tree is brought home it is decorated and surrounded by lots of presents and the young elephants hide so that they might catch a glimpse of Papa Red. He duly arrives out of the sky on a sleigh pulled by six moose. Surprisingly though, rather than the sleigh being laden it is empty until Papa Red loads it up with all the presents under the tree. The elephants have all seen him taking the presents but instead of being upset, they are excited as they know that he is taking them to those who need them most! As they fall asleep exhausted though, Elmer delivers one small gift to each elephant – especially left by Papa Red.
|author=Tony Ross
|title=Don't Do That!
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=In this story we meet a little girl called Nellie who is fortunate to have a very pretty nose. She wins competitions and gets the best part in the Christmas play because of that nose. However, during a rehearsal, the teacher suddenly shouts out 'Don't do that!' as he notices Nellie and her fellow angels with their fingers sticking up their noses. Unfortunately Nellie's finger becomes stuck fast and she is sent home for her parents to remove it. It is impossible though which sets off a chain of events where all sorts of people attempt to remove the offending finger but all in vain. They all go to extreme lengths such as tying Nellie to the back of a tractor or sending her up into space. Throughout all of this, Nellie's brother Henry keeps declaring that he knows how to get the finger out but he is always ignored. You might think that is probably a good thing when you take a look at the brilliant illustrations and notice some of the hazardous implements he is holding at various times. So can any of the sensible grown ups help Nellie or is she facing a future with a permanent finger up her nose? But then again, Henry is very persistent...
|author=Marisa Laycock
|title=Santa's Delight
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=There's only one more night to go before Christmas Eve and Santa knows that his preparations are going well. The reindeer are fed and strong and the elves were just finishing wrapping all the presents. He's done the planning and was grateful for the different time zones. But Mrs Santa knew that there was something worrying her husband and gently she persuaded him to talk about it. He was worried about all the people in our communities who help so much, from the doctors and nurses, rescue services and the armed forces who are on duty over Christmas.
|author=Jane Ray
|title=The Dolls' House Fairy
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Rosy has a beautiful dolls' house that she enjoys playing with every Saturday with her dad. However, one Saturday she wakes up to find her dad is ill and has gone to hospital, so she is left to play alone. When she goes to the dolls' house, however, she discovers that a messy little fairy named Thistle has moved in!
|author=Ann Bonwill and Russell Julian
|title=Pocket's Christmas Wish
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=It's Christmas morning and Pocket the rabbit sees a snow angel on the ground. He decides to follow the angel's tracks to discover the true meaning of Christmas. He leaves his brothers and sisters playing in the snow, and off he hops on an adventure, taking in a variety of sights and sounds.
|author=Anthea Simmons and Georgie Birkett
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Ah, sharing! Perhaps one of the hardest lessons to teach a toddler is how to let go of a chosen toy and share it with someone else. My weekly playgroup is always full of loud parental demands of 'share!' followed by wails of distress from small children being forced to part with the one thing they absolutely, positively must have...until they spot something else they want! This promising-looking story deals with just such an issue, and in this case it is an older sister learning to share everything, from favourite blankets to tea-time food with her baby brother.
|author=John Yeoman
|title=Mouse Trouble
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Mouse trouble tells the story of an old windmill that is overrun by mice. The grumpy miller never sees these clever mice but he knows they are there and determines to get rid of them. He buys a large tabby cat but is too mean to feed him which means that the cat never has the energy to catch the mice. Rather than rejoicing in this fact though, the mice actually feel quite sorry for him and decide to make his life a bit easier. Without ever allowing themselves to be caught, they let the cat chase them and help him to become fitter and healthier. They also pretend to be very scared whenever they see the cat which does wonders for his self esteem.
|author=Brian Wildsmith
|title=A Christmas Journey
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel and told that she'll give birth to Jesus. So far so good for the Nativity story. Skip ahead to Mary and Joseph leaving for Bethlehem, and that's where we part ways with them for a while. Instead, we travel with their cat and dog, who are left behind but decide to follow. They meet up with the other animals and people from the Nativity story on their way, until finally they come to the manger in Bethlehem.


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