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Created page with '{{infobox |title=Why Do You Think You Are? |sort=Why Do You Think You Are? |author=Pauline Turner |reviewer=Sue Magee |genre=Lifestyle |summary=A thought-provoking look at what s…'
|title=Why Do You Think You Are?
|sort=Why Do You Think You Are?
|author=Pauline Turner
|reviewer=Sue Magee
|summary=A thought-provoking look at what seem like obvious questions, but which can help you towards a more peaceful and satisfying life.
|publisher=Crochet Design
|date=December 2010

Pauline Turner takes a series of simple and sometimes obvious questions and looks at the answers in a logical and meaningful way. Her conclusions are thought-provoking and aimed at giving a grounding for improving the quality of your life. The questions might ‘’seem’’ obvious but we rarely look at the answers in any depth or think beyond the reactions which our history has taught us. Pauline is looking to guide us into some deeper, more personal and productive thinking. We are all the most important people in our own lives and it’s up to us to make the most of what we have.

Most people will have wondered who they really are, why they are here, now, in this particular place. But the usual response is to accept that’s just the way things are and not even to consider changing anything, to believe that some things are unchanging and unchangeable or that there is no answer. Pauline disputes this, believing that there is an answer to everything and that it’s never too late to make changes. It’s an open invitation to make your life better.

Pauline recommends writing your answers to the questions. She says that she felt happier as she was writing. I found it more satisfying to mull over the answers in my own mind without being constrained by the written word, but it is a matter of personal choice. I’m not going to detail all the questions – Pauline does it so much better than I could – but they cover such points as weight, religion, sex and culture and what they mean in your life.

I’d regard the first part of the book as enlightening, but the second part was the more thought-provoking for me. This is the A to Z of Living, arranged alphabetically as no one thought of a better way! It’s wonderful to dip into when you’re looking for inspiration or a solution to a problem. I was fascinated by the way in which decisions – great and small – are reached and Pauline is quite right when she says that a decision reached following the seven steps gives a great feeling of release.

Balance and Centering are quite complex ideas but it’s worth investing time to read and reread these sections. I found that they gave me a sense of enlightenment and understanding, but practice is required to feel and appreciate the benefits. The section which I found most helpful was ‘’Exist’’ as, like the author I’m an expert at justifying why things have not happened the way that they should. I’ve even learned a little ditty to remind myself when I seem to be backsliding.

Pauline was a full-time Crafts lecturer at Lancaster and Morecambe College when she realised that she was helping people with more than just their studies. This book is a way of reaching more people and helping them to achieve peace and tranquillity in their lives. I’d like to thank the [ International School of Awareness] for sending a copy to the Bookbag.



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