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==For sharing==
|author=Simon Mayor and Hilary James
|title=I'm A Parrot
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=I think that most small children will love the friendly, chatty parrot who speaks to them in 'I'm a Parrot'. From the very start of the book, the parrot chatters on, talking what can only be described as nonsense – but it is very amusing nonsense even though he claims to enjoy intelligent conversation. He talks about the different places he would or wouldn't live and the things that he might do. There are many puns and some play on words such as living in 'Polly-nesia' and becoming a 'parrot-trooper'. My daughter also found it quite comical the way the parrot keeps repeating particular words, although I can imagine that if we were to read the book a few times, it might become a little annoying to say the least.
|summary=It's Dylan's bedtime, but the Tickle Ghost (very possibly his dad with a sheet) is out to get him. Cue plenty of giggles and not very much going to bed. Dylan's mum shouts upstairs for them to be quieter, but when the noise continues, she heads up to sort them out. ...Will the Tickle Ghost get her too?
|author=Joanne Partis
|title=My Cat Just Sleeps
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=The little girl in this story has a pet cat who she loves, but she's noticed that whilst her cat spends his days sleeping all her friends' cats seem to lead much more exciting lives, hunting and playing and climbing and fishing...she attempts to entice him into doing something active, but he sleeps through it all until, finally, she realises that even if he is very sleepy he's also warm and cuddly and affectionate and she loves him very much. But she still wonders what it is that makes him so sleepy...
|author=Michael Foreman
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Pond City is a peaceful place in the daytime. Little Frank the frog loves simply dangling his toes in the water and watching the world pass by. However, come nighttime, things take a turn for the worse: the Big Boss oversees a crime wave. When the Big Boss' creeps frighten Frank's granny and kidnap some frogspawn she'd been babysitting, enough is enough and Frank turns into Superfrog.
|author=Giles Andreae and Emma Dodd
|title=I Love My Mummy
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Mummies are good for lots of things - wiping noses, singing in the car, helping with wee-wee's! This sweet story tells us the best things about mummies from a baby's point of view.
|author=Neil Griffiths and Peggy Collins
|title=Fatou, Fetch the Water
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=is waylaid by various friends who have gifts and messages for Fatou to take for her mother. As the gifts pile up in Fatou's arms, and the messages for her mother crowd her head Fatou, somehow, forgets to get any water!
|author=Neil Griffiths and Judith Blake
|title=Itchy Bear
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Poor bear has an itch. An all-over sort of itch. And everywhere he goes to try and have a good scratch it seems he's disturbing someone! Will he ever find anywhere for a satisfying scratch?!
|author=Chris Van Allsburg
|title=The Mysteries of Harris Burdick
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Thirty years ago, Harris Burdick walked into a book publisher's office with samples of his work. He had fourteen stories ready for publication, but just brought one picture and caption from each. Burdick was never heard of again. The publisher spent many years trying to track down Burdick, showing the pictures to people - many of whom were inspired to write their own stories. (Shh about ''The rights of Chris Van Allsburg to be identified as...'').
|author=Richard Scarry
|title=Best Bedtime Stories Ever
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Richard Scarry's style is instantly recognisable. I grew up reading his books so this collection is a trip down memory lane! Here there are six stories, about Huckle the cat, Lowly the worm, Mr Raccoon and Mr Frumble the pig, plus a counting section at the back. The stories are a mix of the usual text plus picture format as well as those full page spreads that Scarry is known for where he labels different parts of the picture and there are hundreds of little details to spot.
|author=Mary Joslin and Anna Luraschi
|title=Simon and the Easter Miracle: A Traditional Tale for Easter
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Simon is on his way to market with his eggs, wine and bread to sell. On his way he gets caught up in a crowd watching soldiers forcing a man to carry his cross out of the city. When the man is unable to carry his cross any longer the soldiers look around for someone else to do so, and they pick on Simon. After carrying the cross to the place of crucifixion Simon hurries back to get his goods, but he finds they've been spilt, broken and trampled. He returns home, dejected. The next morning, however, he discovers there has been a miracle and there are 12 white doves and Spring has come early to warm his crops.
|author=Elena Pasquali and Sophie Windham
|title=The Three Trees: A Traditional Folktale
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=There are three trees standing side by side on a hill. They dream together of what they hope to become in the future; one wishes to become a chest for the finest treasures, one wishes to be a ship carrying a mighty King, and the last wants to stay on the hillside quietly pointing up to heaven. The first is cut down and made into a trough, but then it turns out it is a trough in the stable where Mary gives birth to Jesus, so it becomes the manger for him. The second is made into a simple fishing boat, but then it is the boat which Jesus goes in when there is a big storm and he calms the waves. The third tree is cut down and forgotten in a yard until one day it is made into a cross. It is, of course, the cross Jesus is crucified on and becomes the symbol of hope, forever pointing to heaven.
|author=Nick Butterworth
|title=Tales From Percy's Park: After the Storm
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=One day, after a particularly wild and windy evening, Percy the Park Keeper discovers on his check around the park that an old oak tree has fallen down in the storm. All of the animals who lived in the tree ask Percy to help them find a new home. He loads them up in his wheelbarrow and, after a bit of an adventure, they finally find a new place for Percy to rebuild their homes.

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