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963 bytes added ,  07:58, 13 July 2011
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|name=the author
|verb= said
|comment=Dear Lesley
Thank you for such a comprehensive review of Sharaf. I really enjoyed reading it.
I have to say that you have understood and captured the very essence of what I was hoping to portray. Indeed your last paragraph tells me you entered my head space and says it all.
''There is much to think about in and between the lines of this book….. The book opens with an execution and a stoning. The question is: how will it end?''
Saudi Arabia is truly a wonderful country and the people on the whole are generous and kind. In this sun baked crucible, the rich and powerful rub shoulders with the poor and all are equal in the eyes of Allah. It is where the medieval East lives side by side with the modern West in apparent harmony but with an undercurrent of suspicion and distrust.
''The question is: how will it end?''
All will come to pass in the remaining two books of the trilogy.
Raj Kumar

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