
From TheBookbag
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Please note that we don't usually review books published more than a year ago. We prefer to have books at least a month in advance of publication. Because of the number of books we receive we have to be selective about which books go on the shelves if they arrive after publication.
We're reluctant to cover subsequent books in a series if we haven't covered (and loved) the first. It's unfair on the author if we review a book when we don't know what's happened before - and it's not ''that'' much fun for the reviewer, either.
Most of the books which we receive are sent out to our reviewers so it really does help if you send us a press sheet along with the book. We don’t need anything fancy but you might be surprised at how often we’ve found ourselves lacking a clear statement of the title of the book, the correct name of the author and how many pages there are when we come to upload a review. Surfers are more likely to find reviews of your book if we have all the correct details – and please don’t forget the ISBN!

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