Like a child at Christmas, Jill was the first into print. She was also the only one to write in the first person. This may or may not indicate egomania, you'll have to make up your own minds about that!
Our original comments are general, but also relate to the original Kindle release. Read all the way through for an update on the newer, lighter, cheaper model!
She hasn't picked up all the other features as quickly as Jill and Keith but has the advantage that those ''ooh, look at this!'' moments have lasted for far longer. The Kindle is intuitive – far more so than many a computer of her acquaintance and she's slightly shocked at how quickly she's come to think of it as a real alternative to paper books.
===Update October 2011===
The Kindle is now smaller, lighter and - hooray! - cheaper than when we first wrote this article. It's tiny! The footprint is slightly smaller than an average paperback and it's as light as a feather - 170g or 6 ounces in old money. The space has been saved mostly by getting rid of the keyboard and relying on the five-way control pad for navigation - a wise move in our opinion. Page turns are slightly quicker and Amazon say there have been improvements in the e-ink. We have to admit that our old and haggard eyes aren't noticing much of a difference, but we thought the first stuff was great, so this isn't a criticism. Syncing books between devices was easy peasy.
We'll confess we'd rather have seen the [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005890G8O/ref=famstripe_kt3g Kindle Touch] or the [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0051VVOB2/ref=famstripe_kf Kindle Fire] available this side of the pond for Christmas 2011, but even so, we think this e-reader is a bargain at £89, even if it doesn't have the style or panache of the iPad and its bookstore. The tie to a trusted retailer is a big plus for us, too.