Don't invite dinosaurs to dinner, or take them to the shops… don't take them to a football match, or to sports day, or to the zoo …. In fact, '''DON'T''' take a dinosaur anywhere because, as you will find out, it's a really, really bad idea!
I've got to tell you now, that I really love this book – firstly, the stanzas are the well-paced rhyming variety and not your ''moon'', ''June'', ''spoon'' assortment of verse, either, which was a pleasant surprise and went down very well in our house and secondly there are fold out flaps which are huge and beautifully illustrated, often with hilarious ''punch lines'' lurking inside.
The array of events and occasions that you should keep your friendly neighbourhood dinosaur away from are original, many and varied and rather well thought out too and the concluding twist in the tale toward the end of the story is a cute, comforting and suitably gentle one (and I don't mean ''cute'' as in ''nauseating'', I really do mean ''cute'').