|reviewer=Magda Healey
|genre=Literary Fiction
|summary= ''Nice Work'' is a surprisingly complex novel that can be perfectly well enjoyed on any level: as a comedy of characters, as a social satire, as an "'issue novel" ' and as a literary game. It does not have a terribly compelling plot, but the characters are brilliant and actually grow on you, the jokes are funny and the argument is pervasive. If you get bored by references to literature as well as social issues then this book is probably not for you.
'''Reviews of other books by David Lodge'''{{commenthead}}
[[Thinks{{comment |name=John Davies |verb= said|comment= I read this book when it was first published and need to look at it again.After fifteen years as a 'factory boy' Self taught I was accepted at Liverpool University 1980-1983 as a 'mature student' I then qualified to be a teracher in Further and Higher Education in Warrington for 23 years, now retired.I was most lucky in missing the post industrial, end of Ideology garbage garbage when we were going to retire at 40 and all the boring work, like what I had done, would be done by computers.]]{{commentheadWhen I go back to Liverpool campus, you cannot turn a corner without 'this' business school and 'that' business dominating the campus.In a sense the Lybian School of Economics was just unlucky.E.P Thompson's essay Warwick University PLC in the book Writing By Candlelight, should be a must read, but I am not sure whether it would not be on the reading lists of the biggest dirty secret of the past thirty years, dysfunctional ' psuedo none- science management education. Cheers John Davies}}