* '''BB: What advice would you give to aspiring writers?'''
KD: 1) '''READ'''. A lot. You can learn so much from reading good (and bad!) writing – and it’s great fun! 2)'''Write, write write!''' When I was doing a writing course, my teacher made us all write an observation in our notebooks every day. It could be about anything, but it was a really good habit to get into, finding new ways to describe things and express ideas. 3) '''Don’t get it right, get it written!''' It’s so easy to stew over how you’re writing something as you’re writing it, but just get it down first, because… 4) '''Writing is Re-writing.''' ''Nobody’s'' first draft makes it to print – I’m certainly glad mine didn’t – it was 140,000 words! 5) '''Enter competitions!''' Not only is the feedback really useful for your future writing, but you never know what doors it’ll open – the ''Undiscovered Voices'' competition run by the SCBWI and Working Partners played a huge part in kick-starting my career, and I’d recommend it to any aspiring writer.
* '''BB: What's next for Katie Dale?'''