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|author=Jean Ure
|title=Pumpkin Pie
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=There are three children in the Penny family. Petal is the eldest and she is gorgeous - long legs, long blond hair and pretty with it. Pip is the youngest and he's the one with brains and has to be surgically separated from his computer. In the middle is Pumpkin - well, her real name is Jenny, but she's Pumpkin to the family - and she's ''cuddly'' with curly hair. Mum's the breadwinner in the family, with Dad being at home during the day as house husband and working as a chef of an evening. He's got a relaxed attitude to the home and to what the kids do: his obsession is food. He loves making it - and Pumpkin loves eating it. She's conscious about her weight but it still comes as a shock when her father starts to call her ''Plumpkin''.
|author=Brian Freeman