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|summary='Sometimes, when I am being very quiet and cuddly, my mummy calls me her little mouse'. Although mostly, Little Mouse is anything but quiet, just as you would expect from a pre-school age child; she can waddle like a penguin, eat like a horse and splash like a whale in author Alison Murray's gorgeous wander through the daytime exploits of an imaginative little girl, who likes to turn the plainest of activities into something fun and adventurous, becoming her favourite animals en route.
|author=Helen Stephens
|title=The Big Adventure of the Smalls
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Paul and Sally Small live in Small Hall; except Small Hall isn't very small… It's HUGE! On one especially special night – the night of the Small Hall Grand Ball – Paul and Sally Small are having a peek at the guests arriving, when disaster strikes! Paul's beloved bear, Mr Puddles, falls through the banisters and into the throng.
|author=Nicholas Mee
|title=Higgs Force
|genre=Popular Science
|summary=Nicholas Mee, was a Senior Wrangler at Trinity College, Cambridge and having taken his PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics by submitting his thesis on ''Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Geometry'', he is uniquely qualified to explain the mysteries of the Higgs force. He is also a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Whereas other texts rapidly resort to references to erudite constructs like 'non-zero expectation values', 'zz Dibosons' and 'Bose-Einstein statistics', Dr Mee provides an accurate account of the Geneva experiments with the Large Hadron Collider, provides his readers with some insight into the character of eminent physicists, and furnishes a lucid account of current theories. Included is an exposition of the discovery of elements by Sir Humphry Davy to recent experiments to discover Peter Higg's elusive particle.
|author=Tariq Kurd and Laura Robertson
|title=The Quest In A Vest (Gordon the Goblin)
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=Gordon the Goblin is more than a little fed up because he is so small and not big and tough like all of the other goblins. They are all fearless hunters and go off on exciting adventures whilst Gordon is left behind. He decides that there is nothing else for it but to set out on his very own quest even though he feels very nervous at the thought of it. He approaches the chief goblin who laughs at him, before deciding to send him off to capture a dragon – not for one moment thinking that Gordon will succeed. It does look like an impossible feat especially as Gordon does lack strength and muscles. Maybe though, he will be able to use his brains and charm rather than relying on brute force. Will Gordon be able to find a dragon and actually persuade him that he wants to be captured and what will happen if he does?
|author=Dasa Drndic and Ellen Elias-Bursac (translator)
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=Haya Tedeschi, an 82 year old woman, sits alone in Italy, waiting. She waits for the adult son she hasn't seen since he was a baby. As Haya waits, she goes through her red basket of photographs and memorabilia, hanging ''out her life on an imaginary washing line''. She then takes the reader back in time, back to her life as a Catholicised Jew, before, during and after World War II in an area called Trieste.
|author=Marlene S Lewis
|genre=General Fiction
|summary=The late 1950s saw a lot of changes in society but they were late in coming to Ruth's home in the Owen Stanley range in Papua New Guinea. Ruth, the only daughter of plantation owner John Madison, was still in her late teens and away at boarding school for much of the year, but when she returned home one of the first people she wanted to see was her great friend Tommy. They'd grown up together but there was no possibility of the relationship being taken any further as Tommy - despite being light skinned - was the son of one of the black plantation workers and certain 'standards' were expected of Ruth.
|author=Rachel Bright
|title=Love Monster
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=At the start of this lovely book, the reader meets a red googly-eyed monster who is a 'bit funny looking to say the least'. Unfortunately for him, he lives in a world of cute looking things which only make his strange unorthodox looks more noticeable. He feels lonely when he sees that everyone loves the cute bunnies, kittens and puppies who live close by but no one seems to love him. Rather than be downhearted though, he decides to set out to find someone who will love him.
|author=Elaine di Rollo
|title=Bleakly Hall
|genre=Historical Fiction
|summary=Nurse Montgomery (Monty to her friends) and daring ambulance driver, Ada, met in Belgium during World War I. They worked as a team collecting the injured from the front line, dodging snipers and shells and ignoring social standards that accompanied the class system of the day. Monty may have been Ada's social 'superior' but such things were irrelevant whilst they faced death on an hourly basis. After the war Monty comes to work at Bleakly Hall, a hydropathic or country house hotel specialising in hydro therapies for the rich and ailing and is reunited with Ada, working as a mechanic and all-round assistant.
|author=Elizabeth Woods
|summary=Cara has never quite fitted in with the other kids at school. Ever since her family moved away from her childhood home and she left her best friend Zoe behind, she has struggled to make friends, spending lunchtime sitting by other members of the track team without really taking part in their conversations. Then a humiliating incident at lunch, when her crush Ethan has to save her life, leads some bullying girls to brand her with the nickname Choker, and it seems as things have hit an all-time low. At this point, though, Zoe reappears in her life, on the run from a cruel stepfather and begging for shelter. Cara takes her in and hides her, and with Zoe's help, Cara starts to regain her confidence, make some friends, and even get close to Ethan. At the same time as Cara rises through the social ranks, though, bad things start happening to the bullies - and Cara is left wondering just what Zoe gets up to when Cara's at school, and whether she knows her friend at all.
|author=Walter Jon Williams
|title=The Fourth Wall
|genre=Science Fiction
|summary=Sean Makin was a cute, much demanded child actor. Then he grew up and the cute became creepy as the baby face that had made him famous remained (due to a physical condition) but was unsuited to an adult's body. So the demand dried up and Sean tries to come to terms with his change of fortunes by writing a 'how to act' blog, intoxicating substances and appearances on a reality celebrity martial arts fight show. One day, whilst being beaten up for the cameras in a wrestling ring full of cottage cheese, he realises the depths to which he's sunk. Something has to change! Luckily change soon arrives in the form of 'Alternate Reality' magnate, Dagmar Shaw.
|author=Veronica Rossi
|title=Under The Never Sky
|summary=Aria lives in the dome of Reverie, where she has pretty much everything she ever wanted. By travelling the Realms, she can find entertainment in a host of different settings, meet up with friends, and generally live a life of luxury. But when a real world excursion goes horribly wrong, and she's left to take the blame for someone else's mistake, she finds herself cast out into the dangers of the wild. Luckily for her, she meets an Outsider called Perry. He has his own reasons for needing to get into Reverie, and the two form an uneasy alliance.