[[Category:Authors|Hill, A K]]
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Welcome to the authors page for A.K. Hill (that would be me, strangely talking about myself in the third person).
I am supposed to say something interesting about myself here, something to help grab people’s attention, something to interest and intrigue; the problem is my life is not exactly an exciting one.
I’m just an ordinary person who likes to write fiction in all its forms. I could of course embellish and tell people any old tosh, but a Google search would soon put pay to such flights of fantasy. So in the absence of anything exciting (apart from my time as a secret agent/racing car driver/astronaut – I told you I liked to write fiction) I will give some vague facts.
Born – The 1970’s not a particularly exciting decade for me as I don’t remember much about it.
Childhood Dreams – To be a secret agent/racing car driver/astronaut.
Education – Yes I had one of those.
Personal Life – Erm…that would be personal.
Career Path – From wanting to be a secret agent/racing car driver/astronaut as a child, to Astrophysicist (yes really! – ask me about relativistic mechanics) as a young man, through to an accountant (dull I know but everyone needs to pay the bills) in my mid twenties, and on to author in my thirties. To be fair I have always wanted to be an author, but as with a lot of things, life gets in the way.
Future Plans – Hopefully to have some success so that I can keep writing.
Thanks for reading.
You can find A K Hill at his [[http://www.akhill-author.com website], on [http://www.goodreads.com/akhill Goodreads], [http://www.facebook.com/akhill.author Facebook] and [https://twitter.com/hill_ak Twitter]