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|title=Stinkbomb and Ketchup-Face and the Badness of Badgers
|author=John Dougherty
|genre=Confident Readers
|summary=It's a good day, unless you're a young girl called Ketchup-Face, who doesn't like being rudely woken up by happy birds singing outside her window. It's a good day, unless you're a young boy called Stinkbomb who's just been woken up by his sister jumping on him. It's a good day until they find a piggy bank raided, and can only assume the thieves were badgers – the clue is in the 'bad' bit. So they go off to meet the king, and a song gets sung, and a major crime-busting task-force is formed, and someone eats an elephant. Yes, it's a good day.
|title=Outraged of Tunbridge Wells: Original Complaints from Middle England
|summary=Penryn successfully (depending on how you look at things) liberated her little sister Paige from the sick experiments of the angels now ruling over the world. Believed to be dead at the start of the story, Penryn finds herself at the control centre of the human resistance movement whose treatment of her sister and other victims of angel brutality seems less than human. In order to protect her sister she feels the need to leave the resistance and risk life in the nearly destroyed world amongst predators such as angels and even more horrifying creations spawned by the angels. All the while Pen clings to the hope of a reunion with Raffe, the angel responsible for saving her life and true owner of the powerful sword she carries with her.
|title=A Treasury of Fairy Tales
|author=Helen Cresswell
|genre=For Sharing
|summary=Once upon a time, in a village not so far away, a mother and her son received a parcel. In that parcel was ‘A Treasury of Fairy Tales’, kindly sent by the publisher Harper Collins. They curled up on the sofa and started to read… would they be enchanted?