[[Category:New Reviews|Pets]]__NOTOC__{{newreview|author=Andrew Perris|title=Beautiful Dogs Postcard Book: 30 Postcards of Champion Breeds to Keep or Send|rating=4|genre=Pets|summary=If you're looking for a present for a dog lover, ''Beautiful Dogs'' might fit the bill. It's a book of thirty postcards, which you can either send or keep in the book. You might expect to find the more usual breeds - Labradors, Retrievers and the like - but instead you'll find more exotic breeds such as the Bedlington Terrier and the Bolognese. There's just the one dog or bitch on each card and Andrew Perris has managed to give us an excellent view of the animal whilst allowing it to look completely natural.|amazonuk=<amazonuk>1782401660</amazonuk>}}__NOTOC__
|author=Ellie Laks