|summary=When a ship containing several officers is destroyed, newly graduated Officer Peter Cochrane is thrown in at the deep end. This is never great, especially when this is end is in Deep Space where a forgotten war looks like reigniting. Join him as he learns on the job and becomes involved in more life-threatening incidents than is good for any sensible person.
|prize=a copy of ''Impulse'' by Dave Bara
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Who is the main character in Impulse?
|date=4 March 2015
In space, no one can hear you squirm and this is no bad thing if you happen to be Lt. Peter Cochrane, newly out of the Navy Academy he is put straight on the front line and is prone to as many mistakes as he is heroics. Cochrane has no choice, the son of an Admiral; he is deemed the best choice to seek out an ancient enemy that has destroyed a starship full of Navy Officers. When you are only one of a few Officers left standing, you do what you can; even if this does involve blowing stuff up and falling in love.