|publisher=Penguin Books Ltd
|comment= Lovely. As your quotes actually show, you don't need Tagalog or Innuit - despite having almost totally switched to English, I still hanker after an equivalent to an occasional Polish word that's very useful, and inexplicably doesn't exist in English! Just today, a known and used word that clearly names the 24 hour period (instead of "day" which can be confusing as it means both day & night and just the daytime bit of it) would have come very handy. And I shamelessly use the English original ones when speaking Polish ("anyway" is priceless!).
I love false friends: even better when the shift in meaning is slight, not massive (for example in Polish "camera" simply means film/video camera, while the one for stills is called "aparat"). My favourite of these are actually intra-English ones of "fanny" and "pants".