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[[Category:Authors|Hogarth, Sandy]]
Sandy Hogarth was born in Melbourne, Australia but lives in England in the Yorkshire Dales. She returns to her roots from time to time.
Years ago Sandy gave up her day job (advertising) to write, and kept herself by selling ice cream outside a food store in the evenings. She was asked to take over running the nine stores (she must have been an ace ice-cream seller) and the writing suffered.
She left London to come north and spent time in academia but abandoned researching into power and trust to return to full-time writing.
Sandy loves exploring character under stress, relationships, and, perversely, lonely places. Some of ''The Glass Girl'' is set in the Australian desert.
Sandy is well into her second novel about a woman, Alice, whose autistic son, aged 8, and the only person she has truly loved, is accidentally killed. Alice plots revenge on the son of the woman driving the car but…
When not writing (and ‘I’m not as disciplined as I might be,’ she says,) Sandy reads about 80 books a year, walks the Dales where she lives with her partner, plays the clarinet or makes hand-made chocolates.
She was commended for her story, The Boy, in the 2013 Yeovil Literary Festival Short Story Competition.
The Glass Girl is available from some Waterstones, Little Ripon Bookshop,, Book Depository and in e-book and paperback from Amazon.

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