There's a brilliant murder mystery in there too. Why will the girl who's accused of murdering her cousin by pushing him down a well not plead her innocence – or guilt – or even speak at all? And why did the boy's body smell so dreadful? It's a dreadful pressure on Shardlake as he knows that he has limited time to find the Greek Fire and to work out what happened at the well. The pages turn themselves and it's a book that once you're into it there's no way that you can put it down.
For more of Tudor England we can recommend the brilliant [[Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel]].
[[C J Sansom's Matthew Shardlake Novels in Chronological Order]] {{amazontext|amazon=0330450786}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=5612458B003O86FLI}}