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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Tell No One
|author= Harlan Coben
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Orion
|date= May 2009
|sort=Tell No One
I'm not sure I want Harlan Coben to rub shoulders on my mental bookshelf with anyone that is not worthy so I am selecting my recommendations to you with caution. ''Tell No One'' is indeed a twining tale and with that in mind, perhaps you should take a look at [[Ravens by George Dawes Green]] and similarly, the hardhitting but somehow very lovely [[Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn]] which in fact received very high praise from Coben himself. Along the same lines, you might also enjoy [[The Deceived by Brett Battles]] which whilst not quite as gripping, is certainly worth a peek.
{{toptentext|list=Bookbag's Christmas Gift Recommendations 2009}} {{amazontext|amazon=1409117022}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=66457610440236703}}