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{{infobox infobox1
|title= Priceless
|author= Olivia Darling
|buy= Yes
|borrow= Yes
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Hodder Paperbacks
|date= March 2009
|amazonukcover=<amazonuk>0340977531</amazonuk> |amazonusaznuk=0340977531|aznus=<amazonus>0340950811</amazonus>
If you like the sound of this, you'll also enjoy Olivia Darling's first book, [[Vintage by Olivia Darling|Vintage]]. For a fast-paced story set in the art world you might like [[The Brutal Art by Jesse Kellerman]].
{{amazontext|amazon=0340977531}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=65104780340950811}}