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|title=Charlotte's Web
|author=E B White
|publisher=Puffin Books
|date=September 25, 2003
'''A ''Times Educational Supplement'' Teachers' Top 100 Book'''
Fern, a farmer's child, persuades her father to give her the runt pig he is about to butcher. Fern names her pet Wilbur and feeds him up with milk from her doll's nursing bottle. She is so successful that Wilbur is soon far from the runt of the litter. As he gains girth her parents firmly banish him back to the farmyard where he belongs and it is here that the fantasy begins. Wilbur starts to have some fun and makes friends with the other animals. Fern spends long periods of time watching Wilbur daily and discovers that she understands what the animals are saying to each other. Within Fern's everyday world a little pool of magic exists creating a reality all of its very own. Of course, her parents don't believe her. They start to worry. In fact they worry so much that they call in the doctor to have a look at their daughter who lives they think, in a fantasy world. Of course she does, but it's not the sort of fantasy world for limited adults.
|comment=''' This is another of those seminal American children's books - and they did a good animated film of it that is now a classic.
My favourite line was the one the farmer's wife gave - she remarked that it wasn't the pig that was was the spider!
|comment=''' I think this was the first book that made me realise how final death really was. It is beautifully written and it really is as good a "coming of age" story as you will find for children.  
|comment=''' This Book is fantesic i loved every single moment of it. It is very nice to read for young children.