''Hoist the Colours! Set the Sail! It's time to hit the treasure trail.'' Penguin Blue and his friends are prepared to sail the seven seas in search of gold but they become unstuck when a rip in their ship means they're suddenly SUNK! Luck is, however, on their side and they find a handy desert island in the nick of time. Here they make a special new friend and ultimately find a treasure that's worth much more than gold.
The carefully crafted text is complimented by the colourful and clear pictures in Rob's distinctive style. Again, the pictures give a first impression of simplicity but there is incredible detail in almost every one, from the penguin's pirate outfits in the opening pages to the spectacular final page where the pirate's galleon has been transformed: eager young eyes will want to spend a very long time studying all the various activities in this theme park playground for penguins.
There is also wonderful characterisation in the pictures. The penguins are appealing but it was the polar bear, Clive, with his snorkel and the seal cabin boy, CliveWilbur, who really captured my heart.
While the words and pictures both work well separately, it is the interplay between the two that give this book its five star rating. I couldn't resist smiling at the fact that Penguin Blue's pirate ship is, in fact, a little orange dingy and I chuckled when I first saw the picture explaining how it becomes ripped.