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|title=Ten Weeks in Africa
|author=JM Shaw
|date=August 2012
|summary=A fictionalised representation of what NGOs and charities have to fight and contend with in some countries, this is no holds barred, misapprehension destruction bringing a density of emotion in its wake. A well-written 'should read'.
Stephen and Martha Odinga live with their younger siblings and ailing mother in the Makera slums, near Kisuru in Batanga, Africa. Their father was killed by the Army of Celestial Peace so they try to make a living on the streets. Corruption flows through Batanga like sewage through Makera though, and the protection payments they need to pay the police to continue trading are becoming prohibitive so Stephen searches for better paid employment in questionable career areas.
If this has piqued your interest in Africa and the origins and complexities of another of its conflicts, we recommend [[Running the Rift by Naomi Benaron]].
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