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|title=Fifteen Bones
|author=R J Morgan
|date=May 2014
|summary=Stunning debut deals with dark topics but with such a great voice and gallows humour that it drew me in. R J Morgan popped into Bookbag Towers to [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To R J Morgan|chat to us]].
I'm going to break from my usual habits here, and just use the blurb on the back as a summary of this book. This isn't out of laziness, honestly. Partly it's because I'm worried I'll give too much away otherwise, and partly because the blurb itself deserves praise as an absolutely masterful example of how to draw a reader in without spoiling anything at all. ''Things haven't been the same for Jake since the accident. Then he meets Robin and finds hope. She is exciting, fearless... and the most dangerous girl in London.''
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