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|author=Chuck Palahniuk
|reviewer=John Lloyd
|publisher=Jonathan Cape Ltd
|date=June 2010
Meet Katherine Kenton. A movie star of great renown, she's always on TV as someone famous - or the wife of somebody who happens to be famous and male, whether they were actually ever wedded. She herself has had copious real-life marriages, making somebody out of a nobody on many an instance. Her shelves of 'best lifetime' awards are groaning, and their dusting is a job akin to painting the Forth bridge. The person who dusts them is narrator for this book, but she does more than that. She is everything to "Miss Kathie" - general housekeeper, housemate, and string-puller. But what might those strings be being pulled for? When Katherine meets a new toyboy, and our narrator seems to get in the way, to what purpose might this be?
For those with an interest in real-life Hollywood glamour stars, we wanted [[High Society: Grace Kelly and Hollywood by Donald Spoto]] to be as great as its subject - obviously in vain.
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