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|title=A Monster Calls
|sort=Monster Calls, A
|date=May 2011
Conor wakes up from his nightmare at 12.07am. To. The yew tree from the churchyard has uprooted itself, transformed into a huge monster and is waiting at his window, full of threat. Conor, though, is unimpressed. Nothing could be as frightening as his nightmare. Nothing could be as frightening as his waking life, for that matter. So he snorts in contempt. But the monster shrugs off this reaction and tells Conor he must listen to three stories and then tell one of his own. And that fourth story must be The Truth.
And what is The Truth?
[[The Savage by David Almond and Dave McKean]] is another beautiful - and beautifully-illustrated book about grief and loss. David Almond also looks at bereavement in a quirkier way in [[My Dad's a Birdman by David Almond|My Dad's a Birdman]]. They could also look at [[Eggs by Jerry Spinelli]].
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