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|title=I'm a Little Teapot
|sort=I'm a Little Teapot
|publisher=Child's Play
It's one of those songs that's made for children, isn't it? You have to be short and, er, rounded to do the actions properly and I don't know who gets the most fun out of it – the parents or the children. You've got to have a heart of stone not to fall about laughing!
Annie Kubler has illustrated this gorgeous book by Child's Play. It's got bright colours and I swear that you can see those kids moving. On the back of the book there's the music, should you be so inclined, and the words, but inside the book there are the pictures to and actions to accompany the words and music.
It's a board book and it's of the sturdy type that is going to take a lot of hammer. There are some subtle points you might like to note. There's a boy there wearing glasses and another one with a hearing aid. The children are not all white with blond hair and pink cheeks – it's a bit like life really.
If you'd like an anthology of rhymes we can recommend [[The Orchard Book Of Nursery Rhymes For Your Baby by Penny Dann]].
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