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|title=Equations of Life
|sort=Equations of Life
|author=Simon Morden
|reviewer=Robin Leggett
|date=April 2011
'Equations of Life' is the first on a trilogy of books to feature Samuil Petrovitch, a Russian immigrant in a near future London, now known as the London Metrozone, twenty years after an Armageddon event. You will have to wait until April 2011 to get hold of this, but the next two books in the series, 'Theories of Flight' and 'Degrees of Freedom' are scheduled to follow thick and fast in May and June.
If this book appeals to you then you may also enjoy [[The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi]], also set in a dystopian future, while the master of the cyberpunk genre remains William Gibson whose Blue Ant trilogy, starting with [[Pattern Recognition by William Gibson|Pattern Recognition]], is well worth checking out.
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