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|title=The Spies of Warsaw
|sort=Spies of Warsaw
The reluctant, recently widowed Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Francois Mercier is military attaché at the French embassy in the Warsaw of 1937. Decorated during World War I, Mercier would rather be a field officer than attend endless receptions, parties and debriefing sessions necessary for his unofficial role, handling citizens who are encouraged or coerced to work against the interests of other states. He watches whilst Poland is squeezed between the Nazis on one side and the increasing profile of Stalin and Russia on the other, convinced that war will not only be inevitable, but soon. However, no one will listen to him as he gathers evidence and protects those he can from the onslaught to follow.
If this appeals to you, then there's that whole back catalogue to enjoy, starting, perhaps with [[The Foreign Correspondent by Alan Furst|The Foreign Correspondent]].
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