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|title=Hearts and Minds
|author=Rosy Thornton
|publisher=Headline Review
|date=1 Nov November 2007
For one hundred and sixty years St Radegund's College has admitted only women and the Head of House has always been female, but it has recently broken with tradition and appointed James Rycarte to the position. He's a former BBC executive and his experience of academia ended with his graduation many years before. Parts of the college buildings need urgent repair but St Radegund's lacks the funds to carry out the work. This isn't his only problem though. His appointment wasn't universally welcomed and some of the feminist Fellows (if that doesn't sound like a contradiction in terms) would like to see him depart as quickly as possible.
If you like [[Margaret Forster]] you'll enjoy ''Hearts and Minds''. It has that same magic combination of a good story and food for thought. The Bookbag can also recommend [[You, Me and Him]] by Alice Peterson.
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