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|title=A Boy Called M.O.U.S.E
|sort=Boy Called M.O.U.S.E
|publisher=Bloomsbury Publishing plc
|date=October 2010
|amazonukaznuk=<amazonuk>1408801388</amazonuk>140880137X|amazonusaznus=<amazonus>1408801388</amazonus>}} {{competition|prize=a copy of ''A Boy Called M.O.U.S.E'' by Penny Dolan. |text=10 winners will each win copies of the book plus bookmarks and posters. For your chance to win, just answer the following question: What is the French word for mouse? |datecover=31 August 2011140880137X
Further reading suggestion: More adventures and derring-do can be found in Natasha Narayan's Kit Salter series, [[The Mummy Snatcher of Memphis: A Kit Salter Adventure by Natasha Narayan|The Mummy Snatcher of Memphis]], [[The Maharajah's Monkey: A Kit Salter Adventure by Natasha Narayan|The Maharajah's Monkey]]; and [[The Book of Bones: A Kit Salter Adventure by Natasha Narayan|The Book of Bones]].
{{amazontext|amazon=1408801388140880137X}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=74429381408801388}}
