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|title=Wentworth Hall
|author=Abby Grahame
|publisher=Simon & Schuster Childrens Books
|date=July 2012
|summary=Good description of life in an English stately home in the 1910's can't overcome dreadfully bland characters here.
The year is 1912, and the Darlingtons of Wentworth Hall are a rich family who are going through some problems at the moment. The financial ones are bad enough, as are the secrets kept by various family members and servants, but it's the Sussex Courier column which seems to be based on the household which is the final straw. Will all of their mysteries finally be exposed? Who on earth could be responsible for writing it? The groom who wants to be more than a servant to the family's beautiful elder daughter, the French nanny with a secret, the new visitors who have riches of their own, or someone else entirely?
For another tale set in the early 20th century, which I was rather more impressed by, check out [[The Flappers: Vixen by Jillian Larkin]].
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