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|summary=From Christmas to Easter a train ran from Leeds City Station to King’s Cross, arriving before dawn so that the forced rhubarb it carried could be taken to Covent Garden. In early March 1929 one of the porters who was unloading the boxes discovered the body of a man, stripped naked and with no means of identification. Scotland Yard hit a dead end and called on the services of Kate Shackleton in the hope that her knowledge and connections in Yorkshire would give them the lead they needed. Kate immediately found herself hamstrung: Commander Woodhead remembered her as a child and could not come to terms with the fact that she was now a woman experienced in dealing with murder. He was reluctant to give her all the information which the police held.
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=='''19 OCTOBER'''==
<!-- Belinda Landsberry -->|-{{Frontpage| styleisbn="width: 10%; vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"|[[image:1925820025.jpg|link=]]  | style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left;"|==title=[[Once, I was Loved by |author=Belinda Landsberry]]==|rating=4 [[image:4star.jpg|linkgenre=Category:{{{rating}}} Star Reviews]] [[:Category:For Sharing|For Sharing]] summary=Tock, the toy rabbit, is in a box of toys going to the charity shop. He realises that he's not wanted any more, but muses that it wasn't always this way. ''Once'', he says, ''I was loved''. And he tells us of all the children who have loved him over the years. [[Once, I was Loved by Belinda Landsberry|Full Review]]|}}
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