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|title=Billy the Kid
|author=Michael Morpurgo
|date=August 2005
''I'm sitting on my favourite park bench, under my favourite tree, a great spreading chestnut tree. And the bees are out. Lovely. I've got a picnic on my lap, and there's a bunch of kids playing football. What more could I want? One of them's good too, skinny like I was, a bit scrawny, little bandy legs, but he leaves them all standing. Like I did, once.''
It is Billy the Kid's eightieth birthday, and as he sits on his favourite park bench, whiling away the hours before the match, he reminisces about his life. And it has been an eventful life. All Billy ever wanted to do was to play football for Chelsea FC. And he did too, before the war. He was good, scoring nine goals in his first season. Word had it that he would be playing for England before the year was out. But then Hitler came. And then the war came. And Billy remembered his father's words that he must never go fighting in a war, any war. But Billy's brother Joe, full of fire, joined up to fight Hitler and within the month was dead, a casualty of Dunkirk. Because of Joe's death, Billy broke his promise to his father and joined up too, as a medic. And from then on, nothing went right for Billy. Nothing went right for Billy for a long, long time. The peace and safe harbour of that park bench has been so very hard to find...
A story for young, but confident, readers of perhaps six to nine, Billy the Kid is not one that will last them forever. The narrative is simple but the vocabulary fairly challenging and, at just over a hundred pages, it is a satisfying read for children of this age. Youngsters much older than this may find some unlikely co-incidences though - too many characters make Chelsea's first team for instance, and estranged people find each other again too easily - and so, Billy the Kid is probably not for them. For the younger ones, though, it is quite brilliant.
One of the things I like best about Morpurgo is that quiet, but certain voice of his. He is an emotionally engaging writer and his stories always tug at the heartstrings. His narrative fairly carries you along and he is not afraid to write of distressing and serious events even in his books for the early readers, such as this one, Billy the Kid. Neither is that quiet, certain voice afraid to make its own opinions clear. Morpurgo's books about war reveal a pacifist authorial tone and I would imagine his political leanings - if any - are left of centre. However, he never fails to write with balance and to present alternative points of view. He is most certainly not a propagandist. Here, in Billy the Kid, Billy's father is a veteran of the First World War and a trades unionist. He sees war as a rich man's game in which the poor man suffers - I am pretty much in agreement with this! However, in balance, Billy's brother Joe is young, idealistic, patriotic and full of national pride. He sees no alternative but to fight such an evil as Hitler. This balance is a feature in anything Morpurgo writes and it is invaluable because it allows a child to test his or her values, beliefs and assumptions, and better still, to make his or her own judgement. I like this lack of didacticism, and I like the way Morpurgo weaves "issues" seamlessly into "events" in a way that is not stilted or contrived.
Ah, how could you resist?
For another super story about the Great War for young readers, try our review of [[:Category:Michael Foreman|Michael Foreman's]] [[War Game]]. You might also appreciate [[An Eagle in the Snow by Michael Morpurgo]].
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