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|title=Skin Deep
|author=Laura Jarratt
|publisher=Electric Monkey
|date=March 2012
|summary=Stunning romance which deals with disfigurement, prejudice, mental illness, and recovering from tragedy. Highest possible recommendation.
'''Shortlisted for Romantic Novelists Association Award 2013: The Young Adult Romantic Novel'''
14-year-old Jenna survived a car crash which killed her best friend. Sometimes, she wishes it was her who was dead. Because the crash left her face scarred, and she can't stop feeling like a freak. As if that wasn't hard enough to cope with, her dad is out for justice and has set up a pressure group in response to the light sentence given to the driver of the car she was in - and the youth is responding with intimidation. Just as she hits rock bottom, though, 16-year old New Age traveller Ryan comes into her life. Could he be the person to see past her scars?
Intensely romantic, really thrilling, and with lots to provoke thought on the nature of beauty, friendship, discrimination, mental illness and loyalty. Of the 60 or so books I've read so far this year, this is one of the very, very best. I can't wait to read more by this talented author! Oh, and while I don't usually judge a book by its cover, I love this one - it's nearly as fantastic as the story contained inside!
[[Lottie Biggs is (Not) Mad by Hayley Long]] is another superb and thought-provoking read which deals with some tough topics. For another really intense romance, [[Falling Fast by Sophie McKenzie]] is well worth a read. You might also like [[When It Happens by Susane Colasanti]] but we had our reservations.
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