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{{infobox infobox2
|title= Love, Splat
|author= Rob Scotton
|buy= As a joke for a grown-up
|borrow= Maybe
|format= Paperback
|publisher= Harper Collins Children's Books
|date= February 2009
|amazonukaznuk=<amazonuk>0007293402</amazonuk> |amazonusaznus=<amazonus>006083157X</amazonus> |cover=0007293402
And secondly, and in connection to the above, the plot seems to me wildly mismatched with the potential readership. ''Love, Splat'' is a picture book for preschoolers, maybe the very youngest primary school children. Children of that age do not suffer from secret crushes on their playmates: they tend to express their likes, dislikes and affections with an often horrifying (for parents, anyway) openness.
''Love, Splat'' uses a scenario recognisable to most teenagers and maybe pre-teens and applies it to furry cats which personify five -year -olds, but it's the parental "awww, bless" and the resulting purchase that it seems to be ultimately aiming for.
If you are looking for a jokey V-Day present for your beloved who likes ugly-but-cute cats, this is a good choice. For a child - I wouldn't bother.
Thank you to Harper Collins for sending this book to the BookBag. We also have a review of [[Fishy Tales by Rob Scotton]].
If you would like a picture book about cats hen we can recommend [[Posy by Linda Newbery and Catherine Rayner]] or [[Mog the Forgetful Cat by Judith Kerr]].
{{amazontext|amazon=0007293402}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=6354481006083157X}}