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|title=Seating Arrangements
|author=Maggie Shipstead
|publisher=Blue Door
|date=May 2012
|summary=Exposing the pretentiousness of the New England elite, this character-driven story of the run up to a wedding is an entertaining read. Just be grateful you don't have to sit next to any of this lot.
Weddings are always a potential source for intrigue and drama. In Maggie Shipstead's debut novel, ''Seating Arrangements'', there's plenty of that going on. Set in a New England island called Waskeke, Winn Van Meter's eldest daughter, Daphne, who is already heavily pregnant is about to marry Greyson Duff. The problems start when Daphne's retinue of bridesmaids, who include her sister, Livia , who has had her heart broken by her first love to the son of Winns Winn's social arch rival, and the flirtatious Agatha mix with Greyson's brothers. Add in the fact that Winn has always had a yearning for Agatha and things get decidedly messy.
It is often suggested that one of the differences between the US and the UK is that there is far less of a class structure in the USA. However, the New England set of 'old money' and social -climbing make the Home Counties seem like North Korea by comparison. Winn's devotion is more towards which social clubs he can enroll enrol in and which golf courses he is a member of than he is to his family. To a large extent, Shipstead is sending this value system up. There's little of the glamour of the Gatsby era left here and what's left is a world of keeping up with the Joneses. Although in New England there would probably be a better family name to it. Certainly , there's hardly a normal first name amongst this set. We get a Mopsy, a Biddy, a Maude and even an Oatsie. You don't get a lot of Oatsies on this side of the pond.
Part of the problem is that they are just not very nice people and while the characters are well -drawn, you kind of want them all to fall into the surrounding ocean rather than reproduce. Only Daphne's Egyptian friend, Dominique is in any way likablelikeable. While Shipstead does her best to place them in bizare bizarre situations, the sparky humour only comes through in places and her tone is often quite serious. Often nasty characters make for the best stories but they are a pretty charmless bunch and perhaps because they are all almost as bad as each other, I found it hard to root for any of them. You certainly wouldn't want to be sitting next to any of this lot.
The result is that the book balances precariously between a literary novel that has too simple a storyline, and a good yarn that at first seems a little over-written. Partly this is because, while her pretentious characters get themselves into almost farcical situations but they all just take them selves themselves way to too seriously. She just about pulls it off, but it does wobble from time to time.
What Shipstead does very well is to expose the pretensions of the New England set, exposing the self-centred views of the older generations and for all their youthful attempts to see the world for what it is, you get the sense that the next generation, including the future Daphne Duff will ultimately conform to the values of their parents. Everyone knows everyone else. Winn's social enemy's wife is a former girlfriend of his. There's a reason that these people marry each other - they may think it's because of family ties and tradition, but the reality is probably that no one else would put up with them!
For more New England fun, [[Maine by Courtney Sullivan]] made me laugh out loud in several places and is great fun.
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[[Category:General Fiction]]