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|title=Geek Girl
|sort=Geek Girl
|author=Holly Smale
|reviewer=Robert James
|publisher=Harper Collins Children's Books
|date=February 2013
|summary=Really enjoyable debut which brought me out of a reading slump thanks to some great characters and a breezy writing style. Definite recommendation. Holly Smale popped into Bookbag Towers to [[The Interview: Bookbag Talks To Holly Smale|chat to us]].
'''Shortlisted for Waterstone's Best Book for Teens 2014'''
'''Shortlisted for Roald Dahl Funny Prize Shortlist 2013: The Funniest Book for Children Aged Seven to Fourteen'''
For more light-hearted fun reads, I loved [[The Anti-Prom by Abby McDonald]] and [[My Family and Other Freaks by Carol Midgley]].
[[Holly Smale's Geek Girl Book in Chronological Order]]
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