|summary=A fun book about those ever-popular dinosaurs, with an interest level from about 6 to 12 years.
I’d also thoroughly recommend this book for parents, looking to motivate their junior-aged children to read for pleasure. The book is organised for dipping, with a magazine fun-format of bite-sized chunks for the newish reader. It has a conversational, kid-to-kid tone. I enjoyed the rumbustious cartoon illustrations, which provide humour and eye-catching interest on every page. There’s plenty of schoolboy jokes and enough novel material to keep knowledgeable young palaeontologists interested, as well. What more could we ask for?
I'd like to thank the publishers for sending this book. We also have a review of [[Here Be Monsters! by Alan Snow]].
There are so many excellent books about dinosaurs out there. Among the best are [[If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today by Dougal Dixon]], [[Alphasaurs and Other Prehistoric Types by Sharon Werner and Sarah Nelson Forss]] and [[Dinosaurs (Henry's House) by Philip Ardagh and Mike Gordon]].