Back home in West Sussex Tom Medlicott is found dead at the bottom of some stairs. Maxwell accidentally stumbles on the solution to the mystery, but there's a lot of money involved and whoever is at the bottom of this won't stop at one or two murders – or more. Is Maxwell going to live to enjoy the retirement which was so cruelly snatched from him not all that long ago?
With Peter 'Mad Max' Maxwell , you know exactly what you're getting. The school comes off the pages so vividly that you can smell that 'eau de school' which you never get anywhere else. M J Trow has a teaching background and the details are authentic. It's all there, there in the very fabric of the story , rather than researched and bolted on. You get a good mystery with likeable characters, plenty of twists along the way and an ending that will have you scratching your head.
There have been a good few Maxwell books now and whilst not in the very top flight of crime novels they don't disappoint and keep a commendable freshness. Some people will find Maxwell irritating but it's balanced by a good story with a neat twist in the ending.
I'd like to thank the publisher for sending a copy to the Bookbag.
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[[M J Trow's Peter Maxwell Books in Chronological Order]] {{amazontext|amazon=074900892X}} {{waterstonestextamazonUStext|waterstonesamazon=7891837074900892X}}